Chapter Eighty Three

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"Why are you looking at me like that?" Catherine asked Bucky as she slipped her pajamas on.

Bucky walked behind her, moving the strap of her pajamas away from her shoulder. He pressed soft kisses against the skin, sending shivers down her spine. "Because, you looked relaxed today when you were talking with Sarah. I haven't seen you like that in a while."

"Well, she's nice and easy to talk to." She admitted. "And I'm not having sex with you when Sam and his family are right next to us in the other room."

"We can be quiet." Bucky whispered into her ear.

"You're something else James." Catherine teased as she moved to lay down on the guest bed. Bucky joined her in the bed, lying on his side so he could face her. She brought her hand, gently touching the cuts on his face. "You scared me the other day. When I ran inside and saw you on the floor, I thought John had...I just can't lose you again."

Bucky gently kissed her forehead reassuring. "Hey, nothing is going to happen to us okay. You know why? Because we look out for one another. You, me, Sam, we always have one another. I made a promise to you ten years ago that I would never let anything happen to you and I intend to keep that promise. We're going to take these Flag Smashers down and then hopefully we can go back to normal life."

"I'm sorry. I just...overthink sometimes." Her voice was small.

He shook his head and pulled her close to him. "Don't apologize. Communication is good. Now, how about we get some sleep?"

The smell of coffee wafting into the room was what awoken her. For half a second, Catherine forgot where she was until she saw Bucky hovering over her with a coffee mug in hand. She slowly sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes as she attempted to wake herself up.

"Thank you." She mumbled as she took the mug from him. "You're up kind of early."

"Well, William and Sarah's boys are currently downstairs playing with the shield." Bucky admitted. "I heard them this morning and wanted to make sure  they were okay. Not the worst way to be woken up I guess."

Catherine took a small sip of the warm liquid. "Ah. My doctor e-mailed me yesterday."

"Your doctor?" Bucky asked confused as he sat down on the bed next to her.

"The fertility doctor. Evidently she knew my mom and can potentially help me. She said we could get in for an appointment tomorrow morning." Catherine explained. "If you want to of course. Or we can just stop. And if it happens, it happens. If not then..."

Bucky took her hand, squeezing it gently. "I think we should see her, for peace of mind purposes."

"Okay." Catherine said softly.

"Okay." Bucky said. "I'm going to go help Sam. I think William wants to go as well."

"I'll be right there." She told him. Catherine laid back in the bed after Bucky left. She missed her parents every day, but she had learned to cope without them from a young age. However, there were moments in her life when she wished they were alive. This was one of those instances. She wished her mother was here so she could call her for advice or just words of comfort. The only other mother figure in her life was Ana, and she was also dead.

She had Pepper, but she had just had a baby and didn't need to hear Catherine drone on about her problems. The only people she ever had deep conversations were Tony and Steve and Natasha who were also gone. She knew she had Bucky, but she wanted an outsiders perspective. None of those people could ever replace her mom though.

Once she finished her wallowing and self pity, she changed out of her pajamas and into something more acceptable. Just when she thought the air couldn't be more humid, set stepped outside. It hit her like a gust of wind and she instantly pulled her hair back, not wanting to repeat the bad hair day she ended up with yesterday. She found them on top of the boat's deck arguing with William on where a certain part went.

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