Chapter Sixty Seven

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A/N: Before I begin, this chapter has no spoilers for The Falcon and Winter Solider series. The next chapter will though. After watching the first episode, it may be slightly difficult for me to find Catherine's place it, but it for the challenge! Thank you so much for reading!

"He's good with the kids." Pepper noted as the two women watched Bucky play in Pepper's yard with Morgan and William.

Catherine smiled to herself, taking a sip of whatever green juice Pepper had concocted. "He is. He's really surprised me. He actually had four younger siblings though, so I'm sure he had practice."

The last time Catherine had seen Pepper was at Tony's funeral and she knew they were due for a visit. She knew how important it was that Pepper and Morgan be surrounded by family during such a difficult time. She practically had to drag Bucky along. Although Tony had forgiven him, he still felt awkward being around Tony's wife and daughter. He had never even met Pepper until after the Snap.

Morgan, of course, had no idea who he was or his past. She wasn't even sure if Pepper would ever tell her. "He still blames himself for my parents' death. I've tried to tell him a million times, that it wasn't his fault. He never...he never wanted to cause a rift between Tony and I."

Pepper sighed. She had seen her husband and sister in law's relationship flourish, fall apart and the flourish again. It had always been a complicated situation, a situation she actively tried to avoid, but she was amazed at how well they had managed to grow back together over the last five years. "I don't fully understand the brain washing aspect of it, but Tony did forgive him in the end. I think he just wanted you to be happy."

A lump formed in Catherine's throat. "Y-Yeah, I know. His forgiveness was one of the last words he said to me."

"How are you doing?" Pepper asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She said, forcing a smile. "I've been okay."

"Don't lie to me Cat. Tony and you both look the same when you attempt to lie and when you haven't slept in a while...After New York, Tony had trouble with sleeping and nightmares. He ended up doing some therapy. Maybe you should try it?" She suggested.

Her jaw tensed. She knew Pepper was only trying to help, but she would need a hell of a therapist to work through her problems. She has seen one when she first joined SHIELD to help her cope with the nightmares she would have because of Hydra. "How are you though?"

"I'm...better. Coping really." Pepper looked down and then back up at her. "I thought I would lose him so many times. I've been preparing myself for years, but it's different now that it's happened. Morgan doesn't fully understand everything."

Catherine reached over and gave Pepper's hand a gentle squeeze. "You know I'm here for you guys and Happy and Rhodey. Even James. We're going to get through this."

Pepper gave her a tearful look. "I'm pregnant."

Catherine's lips parted, but no words came out. Shocked was the only word that came to her mind. However, she had been in this same situation five years ago and right now, Pepper would really need support. "Oh Pepper. Did Tony know?"

She shook her head, wiping a stray tear away. "No. We wanted Morgan to have a sibling, but we didn't expect to be able to reverse the Snap. He would have been so excited though. I-It's a boy actually."

"A boy? That's...amazing. You know I'm here for you. I've been where you've been. It's going to be hard, but you are strong." She reached over, wrapping her arms around the older woman.

"It's funny how the tables turned." Pepper attempted to make a light hearted joke. "I used to feel so bad for you for not having your husband, now look at us."

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