Chapter Twenty Three

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"If you don't stop staring at me, Phillip, I will take this pen and stab you in the eye." Catherine told her partner without looking up from the report she was working on.

Phil smiled to himself. "So much anger bottled up inside of you."

"Well, unfortunately these files don't file or fill themselves out. Between my brother and this Ivan Vanko guy, Captain America and now this Norse God that you found, my caseload is getting insane." She complained and set her pen down. "Why do I have to do this? I wasn't even in New Mexico! Barton and you were."

"It's because you're the rookie." He told her.

"Rookie? I've been an agent for two years. I'm hardly a rookie anymore. I should be out kicking ass or something. Not doing desk work."

"You're positive attitude is riveting." Phil said sarcastically. "What's he like? Captain America?"

Catherine sighed deeply. She had not forgotten about her interaction with Steve Rogers or her's partner weird obsession with him. "Well, I only spent maybe two minutes with him before he discovered our little ruse."

"Do you have any idea how lucky you are?" He asked.

"Incredibly." She said dryly.

"Stark!" Fury yelled from the floor above them. She glanced up at her boss and wonder why the hell he couldn't just call her phone instead of yelling her name across the building. "Give Coulson your paperwork and meet me up here."

"Yes!" Catherine cheered to herself before sliding her caseload over to Phil. "Have fun."

She pulled her blush colored blazer over the blouse she was wearing and walked up the stairs to Fury's office. Even though she was expected, she still knocked. When she walked inside she found a stack of files with a pair of keys resting on top of it. She sat down across from him.

"I've got a job for you." Fury told her.

"Okay..." Catherine trailed off.

"Steve Rogers. He's going to need some help acclimating to the real world." Fury began.

Catherine took a deep breath in. "Let me guess, you want me to help him since we have a personal connection?"

Fury smirked at her. "I see the Stark smarts didn't skip you, but yes."

"And does he know who I am?"

"He's been debriefed on you and your family." Fury told her and handed her the stack of papers. "On top is the address to the apartment we set up for him and the keys. The rest are just files he requested. Go easy on him, Stark. You of all people should know how hard this transition can be."

Catherine stood up and held the files close to her chest. "I will do my best."

"I know you will. He's downstairs in the atrium. He'll be the one that looks lost as hell."

Catherine giggled at his joke before leaving his office. She had to admit, she was nervous to officially meet Steve Rogers. Thanks to Phil she had been thoroughly taught everything about Captain America including his favorite foods and all of diseases he had when he was child. However, none of that mattered to her. She only cared how he would perceive her. Would it be as Howard Stark's daughter? Or as a former Hydra agent?

She stopped at the bottom of the stairs when she saw him standing there. His hands were tucked into a pair of chino style pants. He had a plaid shirt tucked into the pants and his blonde hair had been styled perfectly. He looked so out of place. She felt for him. He wasn't suppose to be there. He was from a different time period. She could only imagine how difficult it was to wake up nearly seventy years later.

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