Chapter Fifty Nine

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Bruce, Steve, Sam, Bucky and Catherine stood in the woods around the realm. Today was the day Steve would leave. It was a sad day, but this was what Steve needed to do to be happy. Catherine and Bucky were the only ones who knew about his plan. As Bruce prepared the realm, Catherine pulled Steve to the side.

"Are you sure about this?" Catherine asked.

Steve smiled down at her. "I am. Take care of him okay? Both of them."

"I promise. I hope you have a good life Steve. And thank you. For everything." She said tears forming in her eyes.

Steve wrapped her in a hug. She didn't want to say good bye to another friend. She had already lost so many people, but she wanted Steve to be happy. As the two pulled away from each other, Catherine pulled a folded up paper out of her pocket and handed it to Steve.

"What is this?" Steve asked confused.

"A letter. To myself. I know that seems weird, but I felt compelled to write it. If our paths ever cross when you go back, will you give it to me?" Catherine asked.

"Of course." Steve said taking the letter.

It read:

I know you're probably confused receiving a letter from yourself. You may or may not understand how Steve got this letter to you. I have no idea when you'll receive this either. I wanted to let you know that you will live a hell of a life. You fought hard for the things and people you loved. You are strong. Don't let anyone tell you you're not. You will always have someone in your corner. Don't forget to hug Tony as much as you can. You two will argue, but he's your brother and you love each other. Don't ever take anyone for granted. And most of all, I hope you're happy. You deserve it.

Catherine B.

"Now, remember– You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them. Or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities." Bruce said as he got ready to open the realm up.

"Don't worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches." Steve reassured him.

"You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back. I miss her, man." Bruce said talking about Natasha.

"Me too." Steve said.

"You know, if you want, I can come with you." Sam told Steve.

"You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though." Steve told him.

Catherine watched as Steve walked over to Bucky, she couldn't tell what they were talking about since she wanted to give them privacy. The two men hug and Steve started heading towards the realm. Catherine walked over to Bucky and took his hand. She gave it a reassuring squeeze, knowing he was sad about losing his friend. Bucky had been up all night thinking about this moment.

"Ready Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?" Bruce asked as Steve steps inside the machine.

"You bet." Steve said slyly.

"Going quantum. Three, two, one–" Steve disappeared and Bruce presses a series of buttons. "And returning in, five, four, three, two, one–"

Nothing happened. Catherine and Bucky both knew this was going to happen, but Bruce and Sam were freaking out. Bruce was pressing buttons, turning knobs furiously. The two of them argued while something caught Bucky's eye. There was an old man sitting on a bench.

"Sam." Bucky said.

Sam walked over to the pair confused. Catherine studied the figure knowing that it had to be Steve.

"Go ahead." Bucky said nodding his head.

A smile spread across Bucky's face as Sam walked towards the old man. The pair watched as Sam interacted with older Steve.

"You didn't want it?" Catherine asked quietly as Steve handed Sam his shield.

"I'm done with the fighting." Bucky admitted. "A farm with my wife and a yard full of kids sounds better."

Catherine laughed and Bucky kissed the top of her head. "A yard full of kids huh? I guess we better get to that. You're not getting any younger."

Bucky scoffed. "I'm only 100 years old."

"I love you Bucky Barnes."

"I love you Catherine Barnes."

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