Chapter Fourteen

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"What the hell is 'SHIELD'?" Catherine asked as a pair of handcuffs was slapped on her wrists and she was escorted, more like shoved, down the side of the mountain.

"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." The man who caught her answered.

Catherine nodded and couldn't help, but think it sounded like a stupid long name. "SHIELD sounds better. What exactly do you want with me?"

"You'll find out." Another vague answer.

"How did you find me?" She asked. She knew that she needed to be quiet, but if they were out to kill her they would have already tried. She had never been interrogated by any other group besides Hydra and what she was going through gave her no indication that she was going to interrogated. At least, not currently.

"You'll find out."

Catherine rolled her eyes. "You already said that."

The man stopped her from walking and motioned for her armed escort to keep walking. "If I could give you answers, I could. Now let's go. The helicopter is waiting."

"You're lying."

"And how do you know that?" The man asked with a hint of aggravation while they walked.

"Because I'm trained to know that. You keep messing with your tie indicating that you're uncomfortable. Your eyes are fidgety. I don't think you've look at me for more than a few seconds which is odd considering if I was transporting an assassin I would want eyes on them at all times. Not to mention you're being vague with your answers."

"You done?"

"And you might want better cuffs." Catherine told him and lifted up her freed hands.

The man's lips parted in shock. He hadn't even noticed she had manage to free herself. She gave him a small smirk and brushed past him to climb into the helicopter. She noticed the way everyone's hands seemed to tighten on their guns as she buckled herself in. Was she really that dangerous? She chose to remain silent the rest of the trip to New York. She had probably already given away too much information about herself.

Exhaustion was starting to set in. She had been trained to keep herself awake for days on end and she was able to function, but training didn't stop the feeling. She wanted nothing more than to close her eyes, but she didn't. She just kept them forward and would occasionally look around at her entourage. She could take them all down including the pilot and make her escape, but where would she go? She didn't exactly want to go back to Hydra. She had fake IDs, but only a few hundred dollar bills left.

Towering skyscrapers finally came into view hours later. She pretended not to be mesmerized by all the buildings, but she couldn't help it. She had never seen so many before. Or cars. Or people. Was this normal life? Everyone just walking around without a care in the world? They didn't know what dangers there were. She rested her head against the headrest and took a moment to breathe.

When the helicopter landed on top of one of the buildings, they were greeted with even more security. The man slapped another pair of handcuffs on her wrists. She figured it was just for show. She chose to continue to remain quiet as she brought through a pair of double doors and into an elevator. She kept trying to formulate a plan. A way to escape, but some part of her wanted to know how they found her and why she wasn't killed on the spot.

When the elevator doors opened, all eyes landed on her. Some were curious. Others had a hint of hatred in them.

"You know she can break out of those?" A familiar, female voice said from behind her.

Catherine attempted to turn her head to find the face of the person who spoke, but she couldn't. Luckily, the woman took a step in front of her. She thought it was a joke when she saw the red hair. It had been four years since she laid eyes on Natasha. The last time she saw her was in the bathroom during one of their training sessions.

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