Chapter Forty Five

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One Month Later

Putting Catherine's plan into action was actually more difficult than she expected. It also didn't help that she was doing everything virtually alone. If Catherine couldn't bring Bucky back to the United States to marry him, then she would just go to him. An elopement was not something she had ever envisioned for herself when she pictured herself getting married. However, it almost seemed fitting for the two of them.

It had always been the two of them even when they didn't notice. They always protected one another. They always thought about one another. It was just them, against Hydra, against the monsters they had been, against what the world thought about them. So, it would only be the two of them present when they married. That was if Bucky agreed to it.

Her arms were full of items as she walked down the ramp of the quinjet after it landed in Wakanda. Her dress. The clothing she had chosen for Bucky. Both of their rings. Excitement was understatement. She was about to potentially marry the love of her life in a matter of hours. Yes, it would have been more special if she had had Pepper or Nat or Tony there, but she didn't care anymore. She just wanted to become Mrs. Barnes.

"What took you so long?" Shuri asked as she greeted her on the landing platform. "I've been waiting for hours!"

"I apologize. I just want to make sure I had everything I needed." She told her and handed everything but Bucky's outfit to her.

"Nervous?" She asked.

"Incredibly." Catherine admitted and she gazed out to where Bucky's hut was in the distance. "I just need to talk to him first."

"Don't be nervous. I have everything handled. This is so exciting! It's like having a sister. When he says yes, just meet me inside the palace. We can start on your hair and make up."

"Thank you, Shuri, for everything. In fact, thank your whole family. This wouldn't possible without them."

Shuri gave the older woman a kind smile before practically skipping away. Catherine let out a shaky sigh and began her walk down to the hut. It would be a total surprise. Bucky had no idea she would be showing up. He definitely didn't know she had every intention of marrying him today either. As she walked closer, she found him outside feeding the goats that frequented his hut. When he stood up, he saw her with a garment bag in her hand.

"Catherine?" He asked confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you would be happier to see me?" She teased him and leaned up to kiss him.

"Of course I am. Normally you let me know." He noticed a glint in her eye and he knew that was never a good thing. "You've got something planned."

"I do." She said almost giddy.

"Well, are you going to tell me?"

"Today, Bucky Barnes, you and I are going to get married." She told him.

"We are?" He asked confused.

She nodded her head. "Yes. I've been planning this for a while. In an hour an ordained minister will arrive. I will be wearing a dress. You will be wearing this. I've got rings too. Of course, this will all only happen if you want it too."

Bucky chuckled in disbelief. He couldn't believe Catherine had planned such a thing without him knowing. "But, don't you want a big wedding with Tony walking you down the aisle and all your friends there?"

"None of that matters to me. All that matters is that I get to marry you."

Bucky leaned down to kiss her. "You are crazy, but I love you. Now, let's get married."

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