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A/N: We have reached the last chapter of my story. It's bittersweet, but the right time. When I started writing Infatuation, I didn't expect much back. Almost nine months later, the amount of attention this book has gained is crazy to me. I'm so grateful for every single one of my readers. I've loved reading your reactions and feelings. You guys are amazing and thank you for the endless support. You have no idea how much it means to me. So thank you for the love, support and reads. I hope you enjoyed Catherine and Bucky's story as much as I did. I also hope you're satisfied with the ending. I'm so excited for my future in writing and have no idea what will happen next, but that's okay. I love you all ❤️

Two Years Later


The fresh sea breeze whipped through Catherine's hair as she sat cross legged on the blanket watching her family. She had a relaxed smile plastered on her face while her hand was wrapped around the crystal wine glass. The sound of her children laughing as Bucky threw a stick for their newest addition, Skyler, a dog they decided to adopt a few months ago, splashed through the water. She admired Bucky as he chased the kids around in his black swim trunk and t shirt that was unbuttoned, showing off his chiseled body. Even after all the years she had been with him, she would still blush at the sight of him.

Bucky caught wind of his wife sitting down. Her brown hair was flowing around her face, her lips formed into an amused smile. The sleeve of her white sundress had fallen off her shoulder revealing her slightly tan skin from sitting in the sun for a week. She looked utterly beautiful.

"Dada. Up!" Hannah, their one and a half year old asked Bucky.

Bucky wrapped his hands around their daughter, lifting her up and spinning her around. The smallest laugh escaped her mouth causing joy to fill Bucky. He would never forget the day Hannah was born. The pride and happiness that he felt when he held his daughter for the first time. It was the same pride he had experienced when he saw Will for the first time. It was of course exhausted having two kids but neither of them would trade it for the world.

Catherine absolutely adored watching Bucky become a father again. He was hands on and never complained about the exhausting nights. She had never been so happy in her life. It donned on her as she watched her little family playing that she felt...complete. Like every bad thing that ever happened, every hardship, led to this blissful moment. And it had all been worth it.

The phone next to her dinged and she picked it up reluctantly.

Sorry to interrupt your vacation, but I need you guys.

"Bucky!" Catherine called out. "Sam needs us."

Bucky groaned and motioned for Will to follow Hannah and him. He put the toddler on the sand to play while he began to help Catherine pick up everything they had brought. "Did he say what for?"

"No. I didn't ask." She told him.

Bucky leaned down next to her ear. "I was hoping to make baby number three."

Catherine hit Bucky's chest playfully. "You're awful."

He chuckled and pressed a kiss against her temple. "But you love me."

"That I do."


Eighteen Years Later

"Has anyone see your mom?" Bucky asked his two daughters as they sat on the couch.

Their youngest daughter, Winnie, who had been named after his mom gave her dad an almost annoyed look. "Dad, mom told you like ten times that she was going to be meeting us at the ceremony."

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