Chapter Twenty

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"You're not Happy." Catherine pointed out as Rhodey pulled up at the airport in California.

"You're right, but I need to talk to you about Tony. " Rhodey told her as he put her bag in the trunk of his car.

"Talk." Catherine said while getting in the car.

"It's the arc reactor. It's basically poisoning him. He's got this weird rash, spider web thing near it too.  He almost passed out if I hadn't gotten there when I did." He explained.

"Great. So he's basically dying. Did he say anything else?" She asked while dialing Fury's number.

"He used the words 'palladium' and 'neutron damage.'"

"It's clear that Tony got all the smarts, but that doesn't sound good." Catherine joked. "Fury. Something is going on with Tony. Lt. Rhodes told me that something is up with his arc reactor. He has a weird rash. Maybe Dr. Wynter can help figure out what's going on?"

"I'll talk to her. Keep an eye on him while you're there." Fury told her and hung up.

Stark Residence- Malibu

Catherine stepped out of her car, which was actually Tony's car that he let her use while she was visiting. In her hand was a small box with a bow. Having thinking long and hard, she decided to get him a leather bracelet with a gold plate that said 'Best Brother Ever!' She knew it was a little cheesy but she liked the idea after knowing their mother, her and and now Tony would have a somewhat matching one.

She pulled the light pink fabric of her dress down more. Wynter had insisted on her getting the dress. It was a one shoulder, light pink dress that hugged her figure and stopped at her knees. She put on a pair of simple white heels and curled her hair and pinned one side of it back.

There were a lot more people then she was expecting as she walked inside. She passed Pepper who looked upset.

"Pepper? What's going on?" Catherine asked.

"Tony...I-I don't know what to do anymore. He's not himself. I'm going to try and handle it. Okay?" She said distraught.

"Let me know if you need help. I'm sure I can handle him." Catherine reassured her.

She walked further into the house to find Tony dancing around in his Iron Man suit. She assumed he was drunk. She sat her present down and walked over to Rhodey.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Rhodey stared at her for a couple of minutes. "H-He's drunk for one. I can't believe this. I stuck my neck out for him."

The two of them watched as Pepper tried to talk Tony down, but it wasn't working. Catherine felt embarrassed for Tony.

"Oh look! It's my long lost sister, Catherine. You look beautiful sis. Doesn't she look beautiful Rhodey?" Tony slurred.

Catherine felt herself tense. "Don't Tony."

Tony laughed. "You know what I love? People keeping secrets from me. You know what I love more? Finding out my best friend is screwing my sister by watching the news."

"Tony. Stop. We aren't dating. We had lunch after your hearing. That's it." Catherine said feeling tears beginning to form.

"I'm going to handle this." Rhodey finally said.

"Rhodey-" Catherine warned.

Rhodey gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before heading to the basement. Catherine and Pepper eyes connected and she gave her a sympathetic look.

"The party's over." Pepper said trying to be light about the situation.

"Pepper Potts. She's right. The party's over. Then again, the party was over for me, like, an hour and a half ago. The after-party starts in 15 minutes. And if anybody, Pepper, doesn't like it, there's the door." Tony said and accidentally shot the door causing Catherine to jump.

This causes the crowd to go crazy and Tony starts shooting random objects. Catherine pulls her bag out and grabs her firearm. This was either going to go good or bad. She aimed the gun to the side of Tony's head, making sure it wouldn't hit him or any of his guest. She fired it and the room went silent.

"Everybody. Out." Catherine said through gritted teeth.

She watched as the people dispersed.

"You just tried to shoot me!" Tony yelled surprised.

Catherine rolled her eyes. "Please. You and I both know that I don't miss. I was trying to get people's attention. You're acting stupid Tony. You're hurting the people who love you. I have defended and defended you. I've spoken on an international camera, in front of Senators, the director of SHIELD, the United Nations. You know what I said? That you deserved the suit. That you created it and that you responsible. You've made me look like a fool and Rhodey and yourself as well."

"Catherine." She heard Rhodey softly say.

She still had her gun pointed at Tony. She didn't realize she had tears streaming down her face. She put her gun down and took one last look at Tony before turning around. Rhodey was standing there in one of Tony's suits.

"You should leave." Rhodey told her quietly.

"Gladly." She said brokenly.

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