Chapter Thirty Nine

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Catherine thought she had the wrong coordinates when the quinjet stopped over what appeared to be farmland. She pulled her phone out and checked the message again and then reentered them into the GPS. It was correct, but it certainly didn't look like the Wakanda T'Challa had shown the world twelve hours ago. There was a crackle from her radio communications.

"Unidentified aircraft, please state your name and business. Over." Someone said.

"Agent Catherine Stark. I'm looking for Wakanda. I have permission to enter from King T'Challa. Over."

There was a moment of silence before more crackling. "You may enter when the portal opens. Please follow the arrows to the landing platform."

Portal? Catherine's question was quickly answered when the field in front of her almost looked like water. Part of her was slightly scared to go through it, but she had done worse things in her life. When she did, her eyes widened. Wakanda was much more beautiful than the pictures. They just didn't do it justice. The mountains seemed to extend on forever. She could make out waterfalls in the distance. She had to make herself focus so she could land.

When she did land, she was greeted by T'Challa and a younger girl on the platform. The fresh air felt nice against her skin. Her amazement continued as she walked out into the open.

"Welcome to Wakanda." T'Challa said with a smile.

"This is...amazing." Catherine said.

"Believe it or not, you're not the first person to say that." He turned to the girl next to him. "Allow me to introduce my little sister, Shuri. Shuri, this is Agent Catherine Stark."

His sister shook her hand. "It's nice to finally meet you. Sergeant Barnes has told me so much about you."

"He has?" Catherine asked slightly surprised.

"Only good things." T'Challa assured her. "Would you like to see him?"

Catherine let out a shaky breath. She was nervous to see him for the first time. They needed to talk though. She couldn't keep torturing herself with unanswered questions and she was sure he was doing the same.

"I would." She finally answered.

"This way." T'Challa said and pointed down the valley where several huts sat near water. "If you would like to know, he's been responding quite well to the therapy we've been doing. He still has a ways to go, but one day, he'll be his old self again."

"Thank you for helping him all things considered. I tried once years ago, but he had only just left Hydra."

"Change is difficult. I'm sure you remember how hard it was for you."

The closer they got to their destination, the more her heart raced and her hands grew clammy. She had no idea what she was going to say to him. She didn't even know if she would have the courage to speak. She watched as a group of children came running out of a hut giggling.

T'Challa smiled. "The children here love him. I will leave you two alone. I am sure you can handle him if anything goes wrong. Stay as long as you wish."

"Thank you, T'Challa." She told him.

Her feet felt heavy as she walked closer to the hut that the children had run from. However, she stopped again when she saw a figure emerge. She knew it was Bucky. He didn't even have to turn around. His hair was slightly longer, but part of it was pulled back. He had more facial hair than last time. He wore some sort of dark red garment. She noticed he was missing his metal arm and she couldn't help, but wonder why.

Part of her wanted to run to him. The other wanted to stay firmly where she was, but she didn't come all the way to Wakanda just to run away.

"Bucky?" She called out softly.

Bucky thought he was imagining someone saying his name. His mind was still a jumbled mess, but when he turned around he knew he wasn't just crazy. He didn't expect Catherine of all people to be standing there. She had cut her hair slightly shorter. It hung in loose waves around her face and stopped just past her shoulders. She had always kept it longer. She had on a army green linen dress. However, he didn't care about any of that. He cared about the fear, joy and sadness on her face. He was also confused as to how she got to Wakanda.

"Catherine?" He asked. "What are you..."

She walked closer to him with her hands tightly clasped in front of her. "T'Challa told me you were here."

"And you came?" He asked, baffled.

"I-I wanted to make sure you were okay." She admitted. She could feel a lump forming in her throat. Fuck, she cursed to herself. Why was this so damn hard? "What happened to your arm?"

"I'm okay. Mostly." His voice was so soft, just like the night in Berlin. "Your brother kind of ripped it off."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"I kind of deserved it."

She cracked the smallest smile at his joke and Bucky almost melted right then and there. He wanted to reach out and pull her into him, but didn't. He was sure she still hadn't fully forgiven him.

"I don't know why I'm here. I mean...I've been driving myself crazy for months. I've been going back and forth and replaying things in my head to look for a sign that you were keeping my parents' death from me. I feel stupid. I feel..." she rambled.

Bucky knew she rambled when she was scared or nervous. He took a step towards her to where they only a few feet apart. "Catherine, you're not stupid."

She closed her eyes when he said her name and she felt a tear roll down her face. She didn't know it was going to be this hard to talk to him.

"I should be understanding, you know? I watched them wipe your memory. I know that it wasn't your fault. That you didn't have a choice." She said.

"I wish I didn't do it. I knew your father. He was my friend at one point. I wish I could have killed every Hydra member on that base just like I wanted too hundred times."

"Why did you take me?" She asked.

"I've been asking myself that for twenty something years. Maybe there was a small amount of empathy left in me that they couldn't get rid of? Maybe it was fate? I couldn't just leave you there to die though. I regretted it everyday. I hated myself every time you trained or got hurt or asked questions. The only thing I knew to do was protect you. I played stupid. I was obedient. I wish you had had a normal life that you deserved. One where I didn't regret it and I'm so sorry, Catherine."

She listened to every word he spoke while still trying to make sense of everything. She loved him. She still did despite everything that happened. But could she forgive him? Could she utter the words aloud?

"Do you love me?" She asked.

"What?" Bucky was slightly thrown off by the question.

"Do you love me?"

Bucky let her question sink in further. It was an easy answer. He did love her. He loved how she fit so perfectly against him. He loved her sarcastic remarks. He loved the way she talked even when she talked too much. He loved how she only showed her true self to those she cared about. He walked closer to her causing her to have to tilt her head up to look at him. 

"Catherine Stark, I love you more than anything." He told her.

"Even when I'm crazy?" She asked and threaded their fingers together.

"Even when you're crazy."

"Even when I talk too much?" She moved her mouth closer to his.

He chuckled. "Even when you talk too much."

"Even when I kick your ass."

"I don't remember you ever doing that, but yes."

She hit his chest playfully. "I love you, Bucky and I forgive you."

Bucky untangled their fingers and used his hand to pull her into him. He pressed his lips against her's firmly and heard her sigh into the kiss.

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