Chapter Forty Three

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Over the next eight months Catherine tried to see Bucky as much as she could. However, it was getting hard to hide it from Tony. He was starting to question all of her vacations she was taking overseas. Pepper had happily accepted Tony's proposal, so she was hoping he would focus on their wedding verses her.

She was able to video chat with Bucky in secret. Shuri would set it up in her lab and let the two of them talk in between visits. It made it slightly easier.  She would also attempt to rendezvous with Steve, Sam and Natasha occasionally on her way back from Wakanda. She hated the traveling honestly. It was wearing on her. She had been working on proposition to appeal to the government that would allow them all back into the US without going to jail. It wasn't finalized yet plus she still wanted T'Challa's stamp of approval.

Catherine's plane had just landed back in Wakanda and she felt weary. As she grew closer to Bucky's hut, she saw him emerge. He wasn't wearing his dress as she would call it. He was wearing black pants and a dirty, white shirt.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He teased leaning down to kiss her.

"You're lying. I look awful." She said.

"I happen to think you always look beautiful." Bucky said. "I have a surprise for you."

Catherine narrowed her eyes. "I hate surprises."

"Did you get Shuri's message about bringing something you could hike in?" He asked.

"I did." She said holding her bag up.

"Why don't you change and then meet me out here." He suggested.

Catherine couldn't help but groan. "Fine. This surprise better be worth it. I'm exhausted."

Bucky chuckled and watched her disappear into his hut. She threw her bag onto his bed, opened it and pulled out some clothes. She put on a pair of black cropped work out leggings, tennis shoes, and a brown tank top. She redid her pony tail and walked back outside.

"Ready?" He asked.

Catherine nodded and began to follow him. It wasn't too unbearably hot, but the two of them were still working up a sweat as they moved out of the countryside and into some woods.

"Tony's starting to question me leaving all the time." She admitted as they walked.

"I'm sorry Catherine. How is your proposition coming along?" He asked.

"It's coming. I just want to get it perfect. I just want everyone to be together again. This's getting difficult." She explained to him.

Bucky stopped and looked at her. She was worn and stressed out. It was written all over her face. He was proud of her though. He was always grateful that she stuck by his side and Steve's side this entire time. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"You're welcome. Everybody deserves second chances. It'll be worth it one day." She reassured him.

The two of them started walking again. After a few minutes, she could start hearing the sound of water. They got closer and she could make out a waterfall. A grin spread across her face. She had never seen one before. Only in movies or books. She stared in awe at it as the falling water collided with the small lake below it. The sound was almost deafening.

"Shuri was telling me about this place. She told me to take you here." Bucky said.

"It's amazing!" Catherine said excitedly.

"Good surprise?" He asked smiling at her.

"Good surprise." She repeated.

"How about a swim?" He suggested.

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"Oops. I guess I forgot." He said with a cheeky grin.

Catherine laughed and shook her head. "Yep. I'm sure you forgot."

Bucky peeled his shirt and pants off, leaving him in only in his underwear. Catherine did the same and slipped into the water. It was surprisingly warm. She heard a splash behind her and then felt Bucky wrap his arm around her. She turned to face him and he pushed the wet hair out of her face.

"Marry me." He whispered.

Catherine just stared at him. Did she hear him correctly? Did he just marry him?

"What?" She asked for further clarification.

"Marry me Catherine. There is no other person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You have been patient and supportive and everything I need right now. So, please marry me?" He asked.

"Y-Yes. Of course I'll marry you." She said as tears formed.

Bucky smiled and pulled her tightly against him. She pulled herself up and their lips crashed against one another. She could feel tears streaming down her face. She was going to marry Bucky Barnes. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

"I have a ring. It's in my pocket, but I couldn't wait any longer. Why are you crying?" He asked.

"It's happy tears. I promise. I just can't believe I get to be your wife." She told him.

The two of them got out of the water and Bucky bent down to grab his pants. He pulled out a brown box and turned to her. He got down on one knee and she felt her face redden.

"Bucky, you don't have to do all that. I already said yes." She teased.

"I know, but I want to do it properly. So, Catherine Margaret Stark, will you marry me?" He asked.

He opened the box and revealed the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. It had an oval cut diamond with a silver band that was adorned with small diamonds. It was on the simpler side but she liked it. All she could do was nod and he slipped it on her finger. She pulled him back to his feet and kissed him again.

They heard the sound of thunder in the distant and the two of them scrambled to put their clothes on. Just as they finished getting their clothes on, the rain started pouring. They started running as fast as they could, trying to avoid getting struck by lightening.

It didn't take them long to get back to the hut since they ran. As soon as they got inside, the two of them peeled their wet clothes off and put on dry ones. They curled up on Bucky's couch under a blanket. Bucky has his arm wrapped around her tightly and she was resting against his chest admiring her ring.

"You did good Bucky Barnes." She told him.

"Thank you. Shuri helped me though." He admitted. "So what do we do now?"

Catherine thought for several minutes. They were going to have to approach this marriage carefully. She didn't even know if she would be allowed to marry him in the US.

"I have to tell Tony first. I'm not sure how he'll react honestly. If I have his support, then maybe we can get bring you home. If not...I'll marry you in Wakanda and see what happens after that. It's not going to be easy either way. I am going to marry you Bucky." She reassured him.

It was them against the world.

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