Chapter Six

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Catherine wasn't sure what a person wore when they weren't on a base. Her clothing choices were quite restrictive which brought her to ask her mama if she had any clothing she could borrow. Even her mama seemed excited that she was able to leave the base. She wanted nothing more than her daughter to experience a small amount of freedom. It took her mama a few minutes to dig some of her old clothes out of her closet, but when she did, Ana returned with one of the most beautiful coats Catherine had seen.

All it was was a long, light brown colored, wool coat, but it was the nicest clothing she had ever seen. She pulled on a pair of black leggings, lace up snow boots a beige, knit sweater and she pulled the coat on over the sweater. Her mother warned her that it would be quite cold. Lastly, she pulled a thick hat over her hair. She had never dressed so normally before and she loved it. Just as she finished getting dressed, there was a soft knock on the door of their private apartment.

Catherine wasn't sure who she was expecting to escort her to the town, but she sure as hell wasn't expecting it to be the Winter Soldier. She was about to say something smart until she saw what he was wearing; jeans, a long sleeve t shirt with a jacket pulled over it, shoes and a black baseball hat. He looked so...she didn't even know how to explain it, but she knew she enjoyed it.

Her mother broke her out of her trance by pulling her in a hug. "Be careful and have fun."

"I will." Catherine assured her before going to leave with the Soldier. She waited until they were out of earshot to say anything. "Of all the people they had to send with me, they sent you?"

"Try not to sound so excited." He told her.

"Oh, I'm not." She said as they walked into the garage. "Can I drive?"

"Are you crazy? No." He asked.

"I've been driving since I was nine. I think I know how to drive."

"Most kids your age aren't driving. We're trying not to draw attention to ourselves. Now get it."

Catherine huffed as she got inside in the warm car. "Yes, because the big metal arm isn't going to draw any attention."

"Don't worry, I've got that covered. Your father has set some rules."

"Of course he has." Catherine said sarcastically.

"You need to stay with me at all times. You can't tell anyone who you are or where you're from. Especially don't tell them your name."  The solider explained.

They rode in silence for a few minutes which killed Catherine. Occasionally, she would glance at him as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. She could tell he was quite uncomfortable.

"How did you get your metal arm?" She asked.

"An accident." He replied bitterly.

"Does it hurt?"


"Do you have a name?"

The soldier swerved the car slightly. "What?"

"Do you have a name? I know it's not the Winter Soldier or Zima." She says curiously.

"James." He replied quietly. "But you can't tell anyone my name, not even your father."

Catherine smiled. "James. I like it. It suits you. How did you become the Winter Soldier?"

"You ask too many questions. It's going to get you into trouble one day." James shot back.

Catherine decided to remain silent. She would causally glance over at him and she could pain written all over his face. She wanted to get more information out of him, but it was clear he was uncomfortable. He seemed confused, like he was trying to search his mind for something and it wasn't there. She knew that feeling too well. Ever since learning she was adopted, she would try to think long and hard about her birth parents and why they abandoned her. She had no memory of them. Maybe it was for the better.

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