Chapter Forty Eight

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Twenty Three Days after the Snap

Two pink lines stared up at her. She didn't know why she felt compelled to take a test. (A/N: Yep. I'm interrupting your reading. If you do not like kids, keep your comments to yourself. I'm tired of moderating this particular chapter. I've had to delete many comments and break up fights. This is suppose to be a positive, welcoming area. You never know what someone is going through while reading this story. They could struggle with infertility, miscarriages, etc. Frankly, I don't want to read some of disgusting comments either. It's immature. We were all kids at once. If you don't like pregnancy stories, there are plenty of other ones to read. Thank you.)

She figured the nausea and raging hormones were an effect of everything they went through almost a month ago. She couldn't have been too far along. She put the test on the counter and looked in the mirror. She was pregnant. Her husband was gone and she was going to be left raising their child alone. She had never been more scared in her life.

There was a rumbling outside. She could feel in the bathroom. She quickly shoved the test in a drawer and went outside to investigate what was causing the sound. She could see Natasha, Steve and Bruce outside and she walked over to see what they were gaping at. She looked up to see a blonde woman, carrying a ship.

The ship landed and the door opened. Catherine couldn't believe her eyes. Tony. He was alive. He looked terrible, but he was alive. Steve and her ran up to help him down.

"I couldn't stop him." Tony managed.

"Neither could we." Steve admitted.

"I lost the kid." Tony said brokenly referring to Peter Parked. "Is Pepper?"

Pepper ran up to Tony and wrapped her arms around him sobbing.

"Catherine." Tony manages.

"I-I...I'm sorry." Was all she could say.

The last time she saw Tony, the two of them had got into a fight over her marrying Bucky. They group went outside and helped Tony into a wheelchair and Bruce started an IV. They all sat in the living room looking at a hologram with everyone who had disappeared. When her eyes landed on Bucky's picture, she felt overwhelmed. She missed him so much. It had been a little easier, but not much.

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth." Rhodey told Tony.

"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures." Natasha explained.

"Where is he now? Where?" Tony asked.

"We don't know." Catherine told him.

"What's wrong with him?" Tony asked looking over at Thor.

"Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?" Rocket said.

"We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep Space scans, and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, you fought him." Steve explained.

"Who told you that? I didn't fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street Magician gave away the store. That's what happened. There was no fight. He's unbeatable." Tony told Steve.

"Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?" Steve asked.

Tony scoffed. "I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming."

"Tony, I'm gonna need you to focus." Steve said.

"And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?  I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all you-" Tony said lunging at Steve, but Rhodey stopped him.

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