Chapter Sixty Six

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They didn't talk about the event after William's baseball game, at least not in front of their son. It was evident that Bucky had been deeply affected by it. He barely spoke. Didn't eat dinner. Kept his distance from his wife and son. He couldn't face them, not yet. Catherine kept it together for William and Bucky even though she was worried. So many things were running through her head.

Thankfully, Will wasn't too shaken up by the whole ordeal. Catherine carefully explained to him that the people were bad and that his dad was just trying to keep them safe. She also assured him that they were 100% safe. She didn't want to lie to their son, but she didn't want him scared. It's the last thing he needed.

It was late as she walked out onto their front porch, a beer in hand for Bucky. She could hear the frogs and crickets chirping and the stars were absolutely beautiful tonight. She sat down next to him. "William is asleep." She said quietly, bringing her knees to her chest, resting her chin against them.

"Okay." Was all Bucky said.

He was beating himself up. It was easy to see. She knew nothing she said would make him feel better. She stuck the beer out for him to take and he did. "I've been in contact with SHIELD and Everett Ross from the CIA. We're trying to figure out who these people are and how they knew those words." She explained. "Do you want to talk?"

"Not really." His voice sounded weak.

"Don't blame yourself, please? We don't their objective." She tried her best to soothe him.

Bucky scoffed and looked at her almost baffled. "Their objective? I think it was pretty clear."

His words hurt, but she tried her best not to allow them to affect her. "I think you should be proud of yourself if anything. It's shown how much you've grown. You didn't-"

"Proud of myself? I had to cover my ears like I was some fucking child. Catherine, you had to talk to me like I was the Winter Solider." His words were harsh.

"You lost control Bucky which is understandable stable given the fact you were trying to protect your family. No one is blaming you. No one. We're more so worried about you." She lowered her voice. "Don't shut me out James. Not after everything we've been through. I'm your wife."

She knelt down in front of his sitting figure, taking his hands in her's. His eyes found her's. All she could see was brokenness. Shuri and her both worked so damn hard to bring him back and with a few words, it was coming crashing down. Bucky brought a hand up to her cheek, gently brushing his thumb against the soft skin. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and then leaned his against her's. "I've got you Bucky. Always."

"I know." He whispered. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize to me. I'm just glad we're all okay." She spoke.

"Is William okay? I he scared?" Bucky asked with hesitation.

"He's okay. He's worried about you. He's just too young to understand, but he can tell that's something is wrong."

Bucky pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arm around her as if she was his lifeline. "Our kid is...amazing, you know that? Everything he does, I'm just mesmerized. Maybe it's because I've only known him for two weeks. We did a great job on him and you did a great job raising him."

Catherine couldn't help but laugh. "We did do a good job Zima."

"Zima? Now that's a name I haven't heard in awhile. It's a horrible nickname by the way." He teased.

"I was five!"

Bucky's eyes raked over her. Not only was he lucky to have William, but he was incredibly fortunate to have someone like Catherine. She kept him level headed, calm, and occasionally on his toes. He never knew it was possible to love a person as much as he loved her. "I would marry you a thousands times over. In every lifetime. Every universe."

She smiled at him. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." He said, pressing his lips against her's.

"Good, because I'm not going anywhere. Ever." She promised. "I'm with you until the end of the line."

"The end of the line huh?" His eyes casted downwards. "You know Steve said that?"

"Yeah. I kind of stole it from him. The difference between him saying it and me, is that I truly mean it." She said sincerely.

"I-I had a thought."

Catherine sat up a bit straighter. "Okay?"

"I know, the past two weeks have been hard and full of change. This may not even be the best time. Do you want more kids?" He asked nervously.

The question has threw her off guard. It was the last thing on her mind if she was being honest. "Yes. Of course. Do I know when? Not really. I mean, there's really never a good time to have a kid."

Bucky took her hands in his. "I want to be there this time. For all of it."

"You will. What do you want, another mini Bucky or mini Catherine?" She asked, a grin forming on her face.

"Well...I don't know if this world needs another Catherine...although, Catherine Barnes is an amazing woman. Bucky Barnes is kind of an amazing man." He teased.

"Alright, you're being cocky now." She said, pulling him up to stand. "We got lucky this time, William is more Barnes than Stark." 

"I had another thought." Bucky added. "Has Will ever been to Coney Island? Steve and I used to go there as kids and I would love to take him there, maybe tomorrow night? I just want to do something...normal."

Catherine's face lit up at the idea. Even after the ordeal at their son's baseball game, he still wanted to go out into the world. He wanted to give their son normalcy. This time, however, she would bring her gun. "He's never been, but that sounds like an amazing idea. Steve used to tell me stories about you guys going. Evidently you forced him to ride on the Cyclone and he would throw up every time."

Bucky chuckled at the memory. It was so long ago. Steve and him were so young and innocent. "I remember that. I would do anything to relive those days."

"Well, you can. This time with your wife and son."

"Then it's settled." Bucky scooped her up, holding her close. "Now, let's go make a baby."

A/N: Well, this will be my last upload until after the series is released. At least the first episode. I'm going to try and have it up as soon as I can for you guys. Let me tell, I'm so excited for this part of Catherine and Bucky's story. I have some ideas and I'm hoping they go along with the storyline. Thank you for reading!!

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