Chapter Thirty Seven

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"I should have known." Catherine told Tony with a hoarse voice as they were both tended to by doctors.

Tony looked over at his sister who looked absolutely broken. He had never seen her in such a state before, but he knew it was hard on her. She had loved the man that killed their parents. "It's not your fault, Catherine. You were lied too. I don't know why, but you were."

"Is it bad that I still love him?" She asked. Yes, she was absolutely enraged at both Bucky and Steve, but some part of her still loved Bucky. She supposed it had something to do with the fact that she had known him almost her entire life and they had formed a connection. "They...I didn't know until right before I left Hydra, but they had a machine that could wipe his memory and make him do whatever they wanted too."

"You've seen it done?" Tony asked.

"I did and it was awful. I'm still angry though. I've never felt so betrayed in my life before. Was an I idiot for helping them?" She asked.

"No, Cat. You did what you thought was right. We all did. Now we have to live with those consequences. Whatever those may be."

Catherine sighed and fought to keep her eyes open. She was so damn exhausted from the fighting and the flood of emotions that had been pouring out of her. "Hey, Tony?"


"Are we going to be okay?" She asked.

Tony hopped down from the bed he sat on and walked over to his sister. He looked down at her. "Eventually, but remember what I said? You and me."

"You and me." She repeated with a sad smile.

Two Weeks Later

Catherine carried a drink carrier with three coffees in it through the compound. She would occasionally smile at a couple of the workers as she headed to the gym. She opened the door and saw Rhodey testing the new tech that Tony designed for him. She couldn't help but smile as she saw him waking.

"Look at you!" She said encouraging him putting the drinks down.

"It's just the first pass." Tony told her.

"Well it looks good to me." She said.

"Give me some feedback. Anything you can think of. Shock absorption. Lateral movement. Cup holder?" Tony asked.

"You may wanna think about some AC down in . . ." Rhodey began, but fell to the ground.

Both Tony and her rushed to his side to help him, but he pushed them away. "No, no, don't. Don't help me. Don't help me. 138. 138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown. Every one of them could've been my last, but I flew 'em. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the same with these Accords. I signed because it was the right thing to do. And, yeah, this sucks. This is . . . this is a bad beat. But it hasn't change my mind. I don't think."

Catherine felt guilt run over her as he talked. She still blamed herself for this happening to Rhodey. The two of them helped him back up.

"Are you okay?" Catherine asked.

Rhodey gave her a smile. "I will be."

There was a knock at the door and the three of turned to look. There was an older delivery driver. He was holding an envelope and a box.

"Are you Tony and Catherine Stank?" He asked.

Catherine couldn't help but giggle and Tony rolled his eyes as he went to retrieve the packages.

"Yes, this is--this is Tony "Stank". You're in the right place. Thank you for that! I'm never dropping that, by the way. Table for one, Mr. "Stank". Please, by the bathroom." Rhodey joked as he started walking again.

Tony handed her the envelope and she recognized Steve's handwriting. She felt her heart swell and prayed good news was inside.

"I'll see you guys later. Keep up the good work Rhodey." She said with a smile.

She walked out of the gym and to her room. She shut the door and sat on the bed. She quickly opened the envelope to find a letter inside.


I know you are probably upset, angry and even confused at the moment. I completely understand why. I never wanted to lie to you. Keeping that secret from you was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I could just never find the right time or place to tell you. I care about you and didn't want to see you hurt. I also knew you cared about Bucky and didn't want to ruin the relationship you had with him. I realize now my infractions.

Bucky is safe for now. He is getting the help he needs and when the time is right and when you're ready, you can see him. I know it will be difficult, but I know that you're a good person who is capable of forgiveness. I'm so sorry, Catherine. Stay safe.

-Steve Rogers

Catherine held the paper in her hands for a few minutes. She was happy they were safe, but she missed them all. She closed the letter and put it in her side table. She didn't know what to do now. She felt lost. She was on house arrest still and couldn't leave. For the first time in her life, she has nothing to do and she hated it.

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