Chapter Ninety Two

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Catherine checked over the weapons she had on her body for the millionth time. She needed to be prepared, they all did. They had no idea the capabilities this Power Broker had or surprises waiting for them. They drove up to the abandoned building slowly, looking for any signs of trouble. The tension in the air was thick. Everyone wanted to bring the Power Broker in. At what cost though?

They all three got out of the car slowly and slipped their coms into their ears. Sam sent Redwing up in the air to survey the building from the outside just in case there were any surprises.

"It looks clear to Redwing." Sam said. "Do we have a plan?"

"By the looks of it, it's a large building. Lots of ground to cover." She told him. "I was thinking you could fly around above us while Bucky and I go inside?"

"I can do that." Sam said.

"Good. Let's keep in communication together. Any signs of trouble or an ambush, we need to pull out." She added. "Let's go."

Catherine pulled her sidearm out and Bucky and she slowly began to make their way towards the building. "I'll take the back."

"I got the front then. Be careful Cat." Bucky told her.

She gave him a small smile. "Always am. I've got the phone in case the Power Broker tries to contact us."

She lifted her gun up to her eye level as she walked inside the building. It looked like no one had been here for years. The windows were broken, glass scattered on the ground. Graffiti was painted on the walls. Trash was everywhere. It was the perfect meeting spot for two people. There was eerie feeling as walked through the building. Like she was being watched and she didn't like it.

"Anybody got anything?" Catherine asked into her com.

"All clear up here." Sam said.

"Nothing here." Bucky spoke.

She continued to maneuver her way through the building. It was open which meant if this was a trap, there would be multiple vantage points for someone to attack her. Maybe they should have used back up after all. She heard the click of a gun cocking behind her and froze.

"Drop it." It was a female's voice.

It sounded familiar. Catherine glanced over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of blonde hair as she holstered her weapon. Sharon?

"Catherine?" Sharon asked confused as soon as Catherine turned around to face her fully. "What are you doing here?"

"Following a lead for SHIELD." She answered. "What about you?"

"Following a lead as well. Are Sam and Bucky here?" Sharon asked.

Catherine watched her for a second. She Maybe stressed. That was a feeling she knew all too well currently. "Yeah. They are."

Sharon pulled a phone out of her pocket and began to type profusely. "Sorry. I'm just checking in with my boss."

The phone that belonged to Kiev dinged in her pocket. Sharon paused and gave her an almost alarming look. She slowly pulled the phone out of her pocket, checking the text message.

Power Broker
I'm here. We've got trouble though. Bring back up.

Sharon took a step forward. "W-Where did you get that phone?"

"From the guy who attacked me in the hospital." She answered. Sharon's whole face changed. The dots were starting to connect for Catherine. It was no coincidence that Sharon showed up at the same meeting time set and that when she sent a text message, seconds later a message from the Power Broker came through. And the minute Sharon rejoined the CIA, secrets started being sold.

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