Chapter Seventy Nine

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"Ayo!" Catherine said excitedly and went to embrace the familiar woman.

"Hello Agent Barnes. It's been a while." She said.

"Oh, she gets a nice Hello and I get 'I'm here for the Zemo.'" Bucky said sounding offended.

"She didn't break Zemo out of prison." Ayo argued. "How could you free him?"

"We needed his help." Bucky answered.

"With time, will, and the resources, the Winter Soldier programming was removed from you like a rotten fur." Ayo spatted angrily at him.

"And I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for everything you and Shuri have done."

"Zemo murdered our King T'Chaka at the U.N. The man who chose us. Who chose me to protect him."

Catherine cringed slightly at the memory of the UN bombing where she watched T'Challa clutching onto his deceased father.

"I understand." Bucky said.

"Very little, if anything, of our loss and shame." She said. "Eight hours, White Wolf. Then we come for him."

"This isn't good. We do not want to make enemies of the Wakandans." Catherine said as they began to walk back to the house. She stopped for a second, needing to breath. The last thing she wanted to do was have another panic attack.

Bucky looked at her. Her eyes were closed as he watched her inhale and exhale. "You okay?"

"I will be. Just...over this." She told him. "You know, this country doesn't seem so bad. Maybe we can bring William here after this is all over."

Bucky wrapped his arm around her shoulders, kissing her head softly. "That sounds perfect to me."

"The Wakadans are here." Catherine announced as they walked into the house. "And very pissed off."

"Were you two followed?" Sam asked.

"No." Bucky answered.

"How can you be so sure?" Sam asked.

"Because I know when I'm being followed."

"It was sweet of you to defend me at least." Zemo spoke up.

"Hey, you shut it. No one is defending you. You killed Nagel." Sam said.

Bucky lifted up an empty glass to see if Catherine wanted one and she shook her head. He pulled his phone out, scrolling through an article of some sort.

"Everything okay?" Catherine asked.

"Karli bombed a GRC supply depot." Bucky answered.

"What?" Same asked. "What's the damage?"

"Eleven injured, three dead. They have a list of demands and are promising more attacks if those demands aren't met." Bucky explained.

They were getting bold. And boldness led to more dangerous acts. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and she pulled it out. Everett Ross. Now that was name she hadn't heard or seen in a while.  "It's the CIA. I need to take this." She said, grabbing her bag as well and going into the bathroom.

"Everett Ross. How's my favorite CIA agent?" Catherine asked.

"Oh cut the bullshit Catherine. You and I both know why I'm calling. Is there any common sense left in you or did the Stark smarts skip you?" Everett asked.

Catherine buried her face in her hand. "I know Ross. I know. Do you really think we would just let Zemo hang with us without a reason?"

"He's dangerous." Ross stated the obvious.

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