Chapter Thirty

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Catherine felt numb as she sat on a bed in the triage section of the emergency room they had brought Steve to. Her head felt fuzzy as she replayed the past days. James. No, Bucky was what he liked to be called. Hydra. SHIELD collapsing. Steve almost dying. Hell, her almost dying a handful of times. Brock. It all felt like so much. She wanted to curl her knees up to her chest on the bed as the doctor stitched the cut up on her head. She could have prevented Hydra's uprising. She should have told them from the stark about James. She was just a scared kid though when SHIELD brought her in.

"Miss Stark?" The doctor asked. "Are you alright?"

Catherine blinked rapidly and tried to focus on the nurse in front of her. She didn't realize why the doctor asked if she was okay until she felt the dampness of tears on her cheeks. She quickly reached up to wipe them away.

"I'm fine. Sorry. It's been a long few days." She said.

"Well, I suggest you go home and rest for a little while. You've got a concussion, several broken ribs. Not to mention the stitches and bruises."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that." Catherine knew very well that she wasn't going to rest. There was so much more work to be done. She needed to attempt to track Bucky's movements. She needed to help look for survivors from when the helicarriers fell into the water and SHIELD building. She also needed to check on Steve. "Can you tell me where Captain Rogers' room is?"

The doctor gave her look, but grabbed a tablet to honor her request. "He's in a different wing, but it's room 236."

"Thank you." Catherine told her before getting off the bed not so gracefully.

She did need to rest. Her side and head were killing her, but she needed to make he was okay. When she saw him hours ago he didn't look great. She just wished she didn't have to walk so far. When she finally reached his room she could hear the sound of music being played. She cocked her head curiously and walked inside to find Sam sitting next to Steve's beside.

Steve was still unconscious and she was sure Sam was asleep. He didn't stir until she moved closer. Her eyes traced over Steve's bruised and swollen face and she sighed.

"Is he going to be okay?" Catherine asked Sam.

"Should be. It's just up to him to wake up. Did you get checked out?" He asked while she grabbed another chair to sit down.

"Nothing serious. A mild concussion and a few broken ribs. I'll live."

Sam chuckled. "Most people would be in agony."

"Well, Sam Wilson, I'm not most people."

"No you are not, Catherine Stark." He agreed.

Catherine glanced back over at Steve just in time to see him starting moving. She thought so at least. All she saw was his eyes move. Then slowly, more parts of him moved. His hands. Arms. He turned his head slowly to look at Sam. "On your left."

Sam chuckled. "It's good to have you back, Cap."

His eyes landed on Catherine, but he didn't say anything to her. Sam could sense that something was going on between the two of them and he stood up.

"I'm going to get something to eat. You guys want anything?" Sam asked.

They both shook their heads. Catherine moved to sit in the seat that Sam had occupied since it was closer to the bed. He tried to sit up on his own, but she gently pushed him back down and touched the button that raised part of the bed. She grabbed another pillow and asked a nurse if she could get him some water.

"Thank you." He said.

She shrugged her shoulders. "You're my friend and teammate and you're hurt. I'm going to help you."

"What's going on?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not relaxed. You keep moving. The Catherine Stark I know is always calm."

"I'm just...tired. It's been a long few days."

"You know Natasha released all of Hydra's files to the world?" He asked. "Would that have anything to do with you acting odd?"

Catherine bit her bottom lip. Steve was right, partially. The only good thing that Hydra ever did was be lucrative. Which meant her past was a secret. She had been able to control just how much the public knew about her. Now everyone knew everything about her. Her training. Her missions. The amount of people she had killed potentially. For the most part the world had been understanding, but would that change because of her past?

"The world would find out who I really am anyways. Things always seem to work out that way." She said.

"Do you...have any leads?" Steve asked. He was referring to Bucky. She had nothing. She hadn't really been searching either. She wanted too, but she needed to take time for herself.

"Not her, but I'm working on it." Her phone went off and she glanced down at the text message from Tony. "It's Tony. He's picking me up. Do you need anything?"

He shook his head.

Catherine stood up and gently pressed a kiss to his forehead. It wasn't in a romantic way. She only saw Steve as friend no matter how much Natasha pushed her to ask him out. It was in a caring manner.

"Catherine." She heard Steve say as she reach the door.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'll see you tomorrow." He told her.

Catherine gave him a small smile before leaving.

"Wow. You look like absolute shit." Tony said when Catherine exited the hospital. He was leaned up against one of his cars, waiting for her. She gave him a weak smile and his heart sunk slightly. He had been genuinely worried for her safety. She had been so vague the past few days and when he watched the news footage of the triskelion fall, that fear grew more. He gently wrapped his arms around her. "I'm glad you're okay, Cat."

Catherine closed her eyes and allowed Tony to hug her. She needed it more than anything. "I'm scared. I've never been scared before, but I am now."

Tony drew back, but still kept one arm around his sister. "Hey, whatever happens. Whatever people say or do, I've got you. I always will. It's you and me against the world."

"That was cheesy, but thank you." Catherine told him as he opened the door to the car for her.


The soldier watched the woman from across the street. There was something familiar about the way she walked, her hair color, her eyes. They were all familiar. A couple of children ran up to her and he watched as she smiled and leaned down to take a picture with them. He would get the occasional scene of her playing in his head, but it was only bits and pieces. A smile. A laugh. A red dress.

She reminded him an angel. He watched as a man climbed out of a car. They looked like each other. They were probably related. He hugged her tightly and said something that made her laugh. She lifted part of her shirt to reveal a bandage with a bruise peeking out. He did that. The two of them got into the car and he watched Catherine leave.


Her name was Catherine.

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