Chapter 3

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After everyone had recovered from the news of Izuku getting a shot at the Middleweight title fight. Izuku was doing backflips in the backyard as he was shouting "Woohoo!!"  As Izuku came back inside after his celebration he sat down and continued to eat his dinner.

Everyone else was gobsmacked that Izuku could possibly become the youngest Middleweight champion. They all stare at him as he had continued to eat nonchalantly once he was done eating it was time to excuse himself after throwing the to go plate of his food he grabbed his beer and headed off to his room.

Izuku: If you please excuse me im going to my room. Hope you all enjoy the rest of the evening.

He quickly left and headed for his room when he got to the rooms entrance he pulled  a chord which lead to the attic and left quickly but once all the adults had gone to look for his room they all noticed he vanished.

Sorahiko: Search all the rooms! Eraser ,Mic, Midnight,

It wasn't until they heard running water  that made them calm down when approaching the bathroom they knocked when nobody answered  the door opened and nobody was in the bathroom.

Sorahiko: Do you guys have two bathrooms?

Toshinori: No the only thing above us is the attic

Eraser: Then lets check the attic

As they found the attic entrance pulled the stairs down until they saw a door with Izuku's name plate. Upon opening the door they saw an amazing bedroom

 Upon opening the door they saw an amazing bedroom

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Inko: Izuku are you in here?

Inko said as she saw a small apartment within their attic they also noticed multiple awards and pices of art along with a Guitar and Bass. They stop when they approached the room with the bed as they began to hear music abd sombody singing.

Tired and lonely, still we stand
On a road to nowhere
Trapped in a world of endless days
My engine's stalling (road to nowhere)
Body and mind are breaking down
On a road to nowhere
Destiny silent, hear no sound
As away forever

Farewell, I miss you
I'm sick of these goodbyes
Because it tore us apart, right from the start
I miss you

Feelings that filled me left me cold
On this road to nowhere (road to nowhere)
Dreams are my saviors, save me now
Because I know I'm falling (oh yeah)

Farewell, I miss you
I'm sick of these goodbyes
Because it tore us apart, right from the start
I miss you

Candles burn slowly, flames shine so brightly
Light in the darkness, save me from madness again
Only the lonely, can possibly know me
Heat keeps on rising, fire engulfs me again
Keeps on rising

Farewell, I miss you
I'm sick of these goodbyes (sick of these goodbyes)
Because it tore us apart, right from the start
I miss you

Farewell, I miss you
I'm sick of these goodbyes
Because it tore us apart, right from the start (right from the start)

Mic: Damn the kid has a great singing voice

He said in a hushed tone while the others began to look around amd noticed college acceptance letters from Universities overseas. Suddenly they heard the shower stop but singing still continued.

Izuku was wearing his shorts with a towel drapped over his head while drying his fluffy hair until he heard "Izuku?" Izuku looked up and was surprised to see everyone in his room "ahhh what the heck!"

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Izuku was wearing his shorts with a towel drapped over his head while drying his fluffy hair until he heard
"Izuku?" Izuku looked up and was surprised to see everyone in his room "ahhh what the heck!"

Nemuri: Hello handsome

Everyone ignores Nemuri's flirting while Inko holds up all the acceptance letters to universities overseas as she had the look of saying why they weren't told.

Inko: Why didn't you tell us you got accepted into universities overseas

Izuku: You and dad are always focused on Izuna so I thought you wouldn't care where I would go.

Toshinori: My boy you could have brought it up

Izuku: Even if I did you would've brushed it off as if it was nothing special.

His parents guests were now looking at them seeing as their was hardly any communication between them and their son.

Izuku: Can you please leave my room Im going to finish getting dressed then Im going to relax because Im training tomorrow

Everyone had left Izuku's room and heard his parents guests beginning to berate them for neglecting Izuku to the point of basically being strangers to one another.

Time skip late night

When Inko and Toshinori's friends had left after they were berated for neglecting Izuku the two were in bed thinking how they could be a part of their son's life.

Toshinori: Ive got it I'll  follow him to his gym and see if i can help with his training

Inko: I think I'll try to make him food and get to know what he likes.

Toshinori: Great we have a plan lets get some rest so we can do our best tomorrow.

Little did the two know all their friends had the same idea in order to get to know the neglected son of AllMight.

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