Chapter 29 Breaking bread

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When Izuku mentioned having a  barbeque with the members of Foxtrot and Echo. Delta had felt it was an amazing idea to grow a closer since they might be sent out on more missions with them.

Suddenly their door bell rang and Izuku was the one who answered it was Riley from Foxtrot.

Riley: Yo Delta sorry to bother Yall but we from Foxtrot wanna break bread and invite you to a cookout

When suddenly Nightwolf from Echo squad had arrived a few minutes later.

Nightwolf: Hello my brothers in arms we of Echo squad wish to invite you all to a feast of brotherhood. Oh it appears that a member of Foxtrot has also sent a messenger we wish to extend an invitation to you all as well.

Izuku: Looks like we had the same idea. We wanted to do a barbeque to grow closer to Echo and Foxtrot squads so tell both you're squads we'll host the cookout

After the agreement between them Riley and Nightwolf had gone to their respective teams to inform them of Delta hosting the cookout

Izuku: Shall we make preparations?

The rest of Delta had got up quickly and began to get ready for the day. Since it was Izuku who thought of the cookout he went to the kitchen to take inventory of what was needed. Upon seeing little food in the fridge Izuku decided to make a grocery run

Izuku: Hey guys I'm gonna make a grocery run I'm making a list anyone want to come with?!

Dominic, David and Solomon had rushed downstairs to join in the trip which made Izuku chuckle a bit so off they went to the grocery store.

After a short drive they made it to a Cost Mart which had amazing deals on groceries.

Izuku: Okay guys let's get some meat. What do you guys think we should get

David: Let's get carne Ranchera (Flap steak)

Solomon: How about we get some chicken and Salmon

Dominic: Let's also get some lamb and buffalo

David: Where are we gonna find buffalo meat here?

Dominic pointed toward the director of new produce that came in and on the list was Buffalo steak

Izuku:  Should we get ground beef so we can make our own burgers

They guys agreed in unison and after paying for all the groceries they made their way back home to prepare food until Izuku remembered something

Izuku: Oh shit.

Solomon: what's wrong?

Izuku: We didn't get any dessert for after the meal

Dominic: Well i think it would be ok since i doubt anybody likes sweets

They kept going home and got back quickly to start preparing the food when suddenly there was a knock at the door

David: I'll get it.

As David opened the door the guests had arrived making all of Delta surprised

Izuku: hey guys you're all early

Huey: Yeah we thought it would be easier to help out plus we brought dessert but needs to be baked so we thought we'd come over and help out.

After the guests had washed their hands they began to help with the food and before they knew it everything was ready to be cooked first thing to be tossed on the grill was the steak followed by chicken then lamb lastly the buffalo. The burgers were put on hold Huey was in the kitchen making a side salad and fries enough for everyone while the other squad mates were setting the table.

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