Chapter 10

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It was finally time for the big fight Izuku left home early so that he could meet the champion at the weigh in before headimg out the door he put a note telling his family where he went off to.

After Izuku left home he travled to Korakuen hall which was thirty minutes away from Kamogawa gym he was nervous but was calmed down after he got a text from Hana. A smile came upon his face he then began to relax Ippo noticed this and knew why he got like that.

Izuku and Hana exchanged texts until his stop came up he informed Hana that he'd give her a call when he finished handling business she agreed.

With Hana

Hana was eating some dorritos and drinking Mountain Dew she smiled and got the idea she'd take a meal to him since he was dealing with weight control her concentration was broken when she heard angry shouting. This caused her to investigate the scene upon arriving she spotted a drunk Mcree holding Jack Daniel's whiskey shouting "What do ya mean we ain't got Tickets!"

Hana: Hey guys what's wrong?

76: Sorry did we interrupt a stream?

Hana: No I heard yelling and wanted to know whats wrong

Mcree: Ill tell ya whats wrong. We couldn't score tickets for the Japanese middleweight title fight

Hana: Im sorry to hear that why were you guys planning to go any way.

Gabriel: we were going to recruit who we saw could fit well with Overwatch.

Hana: Oh if thats the case then Ill ask my boyfriend since he's fighting tonight

Everyone in the room turned to Hana with confused looks until she got the final promotional poster with Izuku and The champion Akira posing for the picture.

Genji: Can you get us tickets?

Hana: Im meeting my boyfriend in a bit I'll ask him

At the Cafe

Izuku didnt have to wait long for Hana to arrive when she spotted him they shared a hug and a quick kiss. As they sat down the waitress asked for their drink orders Hana ordered a tall glass of Ice cold water.

Hana: How was the weigh in

Izuku: It went well thanks for asking. If you're hungry Ill buy you something im planning to eat at home.

Hana was about to decline until she saw strawberry and nutella Crepes on the menu. The waitress took the order then quickly left. Hana was about to ask Izuku for fight tickets until she had recived a message on her cell from Mcree which read "Don't forget about the fight tickets" this had just bugged Hana but she had left her friend on read.

Hana: So Izu I was hoping to come watch you fight tonight so I was wondering if you had any spare tickets.

Izuku: Yeah I have plenty of tickets if you'd like i can spare enough for all of your co workers to come as well.

Izuku grabbed his bagpack and pulled out a book of tickets and passed it to Hana. she knew she didnt need many but grabbed enough so that everyone from the main roster could attend the event.

Hana: Thanks Izu I appreciate the tickets

she pulled out her wallet and paid for the total amount of what the tickets were worth. Once Hana had gotten her Crepe she savored each bite and got to spend some time with her man before reporting back to Overwatch. Once done they shared one more kiss before they went home.

At Overwatch

Upon Hana's arrival she was swarmed by all the agents and waited for the desprate answer if she was able to get them the tickets

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