Chapter 26 Base established

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After the invasion had ended thanks to Overwatch defending the city from the bandit group known as Abismo (abyss). Delta, Echo, Foxtrot and Phantom squads had gone to get some food but first they needed to survey for property damage but there was hardly any damage except for some buildings that got hit by a few grenades.

After writing up reports about the damage that the city has suffered it was given to Phantom since he's the commanding officer. Once the paperwork was submitted All squads had then decided that Phantom would stay behind and guard the city while the rookie squads went off to grab some well deserved rest after having to deal with their first mission going south.

They all returned to the little restaurant where they were about to eat before shit had hit the fan. They saw the people there were still safe and once the restaurant staff saw the defending heroes that clapped in joy. To many of them it made them feel good to protect and serve which led them to be seated and served.

Everyone had gotten tacos de asada with everything on them except for Izuku who got everything on the side

Everyone had gotten tacos de asada with everything on them except for Izuku who got everything on the side

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Izuku: so David what do you recommend i put on my tacos first?

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Izuku: so David what do you recommend i put on my tacos first?

David: Alright start with some diced onion then Cilantro and just a bit of lime

Izuku did as he was told after David pointed to the ingredients to use

David: Do you like spicy food? If you do how high is your spice tolerance

Izuku: I do like spicy food but for tolerance I'm not sure

David turned to the waitress and asked "Disculpa señora qual de la salsa pica más?" (Excuse me miss which salsa is the spiciest). With a quick response the lady answered back " La salsa roja es la más picante y la verde no pica"(the red salsa is the spiciest while the green isn't as spicy)

 With a quick response the lady answered back " La salsa roja es la más picante y la verde no pica"(the red salsa is the spiciest while the green isn't as spicy)

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Izuku had decided to try the green salsa first one of his tacos on his first bite the flavors were amazing he instantly fell in love with the food

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Izuku had decided to try the green salsa first one of his tacos on his first bite the flavors were amazing he instantly fell in love with the food. Upon his fist bite he decided to try another one but with red salsa it was spicer than he expected but the flavor was delicious. Before Izuku could ask for something to drink the waitress had brought multiple cups of a beverage that looked like milk

 Before Izuku could ask for something to drink the waitress had brought multiple cups of a beverage that looked like milk

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Izuku: is this milk?

Solomon: No this is called Horchata

Dominic: Technically it's rice milk with cinnamon

David: yeah I think that's the best way to describe it.

When Izuku took his first sip the sweetness of the drink completely complemented the spiciness that of the red salsa.

Izuku: this is the best food I'd ever had.

Dominic: Let's come back for dinner and you can try all different types of other foods to see if you like them.

They paid and left a great tip for the restaurant as they were walking back to Phantom to see what their next objective was Izuku got distracted by everything around him like the food stalls, clothing vendors and people who sold hand crafted items. Suddenly Izuku was hit in the face with a soccer ball. The kids who ran to get their ball back got scared since they thought the soldier would punish them.

Izuku laughed it off and tossed the ball back to the kids when suddenly a massive shadow had begun to loom over the city this caused many to run for cover hoping the soldiers would protect them. Meanwhile Izuku and the others had ran to Phantom squads location to get orders on where to post up for defending the city.

Upon seeing Commander 76 speaking with Phantom he was slightly confused until they realized that a new base was already being established

76: I've reviewed the mission report and I'll say I'm impressed with you rookies

Delta, Echo and Foxtrot stood at attention and thanked 76 and were waiting for the next orders

76: Well men you'll have two days off enjoy yourselves

The cadets had saluted and decided what they were going to do. Until the members of Foxtrot Dante, Maxwell, Riley and Huey voiced their concer due to none of them spoke Spanish. Echo squad members Nightwolf, Sitting bull, Nightingale and Hawkeye were also in the same boat

The Spanish speakers then decided to split up David went with Foxtrot to be their translator while Solomon became the translator for Echo lastly Dominic became Izuku's translator.

(Hey guys sorry for the late update just been busy IRL please enjoy the short chapter)

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