chapter 33 Recruiting

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The following morning after Izuku had shown his family the body cam footage from their last mission they had done a quick meeting about how to nail all accomplices to the human traffickers.

In order to not attract too much attention from the public Izuku and Hana would go to UA to speak with Nezu in regards to give him info about the HPSC. As those two handle that situation Echo squad will be in charge of reconnaissance while working side by side with Detective Tsukauchi.

Huey and Riley are tasked with making contact with Capitan Celebrity, death arms and Kamui woods. Lastly Dominic and the rest of Foxtrot will work alongside Endeavors tech specialist to track and locate any more people who are working with the guilty party mentioned.

With Izuku, Hana and AllMight at UA

As the trio was walking down the halls of UA to meet with Nezu a few students were star struck due to being present in their school. Upon arriving to Nezu's office Allmight knocked hoping that Nezu was available


Nezu: Enter

The trio set foot inside the office hoping Nezu could aid them with this mission.

Nezu: What brings you to my office AllMight?

Nezu asked but if anything he already new about what was being planned.

AllMight: my son brings disturbing news he's hoping you can assist him

Nezu: Son?

That was something he hadn't known he had no idea that Toshinori also had a son.

Izuku: Sir my name is Izuku Midoriya this is Hana Song aka D va I'm an overwatch cadet and she is a strikeforce agent. I have some info that you'd be interested in

Nezu: proceed

Izuku brought out a laptop and showed him the same footage from his last mission

Nezu was beyond angry that he shattered his favorite tea cup he saw children malnourished and tired. He didn't want to imagine any kind of trauma they went through it angered him further that heroes and the president of the hero commission  were involved.

Nezu: How can I help?

Nezu said with anger it greatly scared Allmight with how much pressure was being emitted.

Izuku: We of overwatch cadet sqads Delta, Echo and Foxtrot have already set up the teams to work on this investigation with the help of Detective Tsukauchi and Endeavor.

Izuku and Hana were successful I recruiting Nezu to help with the mission at hand.

Nezu: You and Ms song can explore the campus take these visitor passes  I need a word with your father

With Huey and Riley

The two brothers were wandering the streets of Japan with ease since Huey spoke multiple languages so there was nothing to worry about.

Riley: Man this is some bullshit we've been out all day and haven't come across the heroes were looking for

Huey: Look we're in Japan at least enjoy the sights while we're working

Suddenly an explosion went off the duo had ran towards the sound only to see kamui wood and death arms rescuing people from a burning building

Huey approached a hero who shot water out of cannons

Huey approached a hero who shot water out of cannons

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