Chapter 25 Breaking news

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Things in Japan have been quiet villains haven't caused any trouble. Many civilians in the area started to act as if peace had finally been made permanent. All heroes decided not to take a break since there is always a calm before the storm

At UA university

Many of the freshman students of 1-A began to wonder what lesson would be taught today since they had done a quirk assessment on their first day which by the end of had one student expelled. When the classroom door opened up their sensei Aizawa who immediately set up the project to show his class something important

Aizawa: Alright listen up today we'll be watching World news

When that was said a few people had complained about watching something boring specifically a boy with purple balls for hair and a boy with a lightning bolt in his hair.

Izuna: Why are you two complaining? This is also an opportunity to see how other countries heroes operate.

That shut the two up since they never thought about that aspect so now they were interested in learning about how other heroes operate but in the end they had an secret agenda hoping that they could see some sexy foreign heroins.

When Aizawa had loaded up the website for world news a live broadcast was up and he clicked on it when suddenly a loud explosion had been heard through the speakers.


Paul: This is Paul Cunningham Live in El dorado Mexico where we are currently under attack by the most dangerous bandit group known as abismo (abyss).

Suddenly the reporter had dropped down to the ground as heavy fire began to rain down on him and his camera crew when he suddenly saw a little girl rush into the battlefield

Paul: There's a little girl running into the battlefield!

As the class of 1-A saw an innocent civilian run to get her toy which she dropped had their stomachs dropped thinking she was about to die when suddenly a bubble shield had surrounded her.

Paul: ladies and gentlemen it appears that Overwatch has been sent to defend this city.

When the soldier who protected the little was filmed on camera a couple of the students had shouted his name.

Izuna/ Katsuki/Katsumi/ Shoto/ Kirishima: Niisan, Midoriya, Champ!

Izuna, Katsuki, Katsumi and Shoto looked at their classmate who called him champ then turned their attention to the screen. On the screen they saw Izuku defending the child when suddenly a bandit had tried to kill Izuku until a blade pierced the bandits throat.

The students in class screamed as they had seen death for the first time suddenly an outburst from the class stick in the mud "That villain he should be arrested!" Suddenly a loud smash could be heard and everyone saw Kirishima Eijiro the manliest person in their class stomping out Iida tenya while he cussed him out.

Kirishima: Fuck you, you worthless coward Overwatch has diplomatic immunity they are authorized to kill when needed. So shut your fucking mouth and put some respect on the names of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line

Tears were flowing from his eyes while his girlfriend Mina Ashido was comforting him while scowling at Iida.

While they turned their attention to the news broadcast they saw Izuku advance forward and push back the enemy to protect the city then suddenly the broadcast was cut off.

Aizawa: Alright as you've seen upon watching world news Overwatch will also be some special heroes they you'll need to keep an eye on due to them cranking out incredible heroes.

Iida: Aizawa sensei will you not punish Kirishima for assaulting me!

Aizawa: Iida shut up before I have you blacklisted.

Iida was speechless since his family name carries some weight then looked to everyone else to see if he could have support from his classmates but they all looked at him in disgust.

Aizawa: You best get you head out of your ass if you didn't know Kirishima had an elder brother who served in Overwatch and died durin the Omnic factory raid.

Everyone looked to their classmate in shock after learning his elder brother gave his life to protect the future generations.

Aizawa: talk among yourselves until class ends.

Izuna, Katsuki, Katsumi and Shoto had walked up to Kirishima to ask him how they knew Midoriya.

Izuna: Hey Kirishima how do you know my big brother?

Kirishima: The champs your big brother?!

Mina: We don't know him personally but I was able to get tickets to the Japanese middle weight boxing match.

Katsuki: So shitty hair who was your brother and what was his quirk?

Kirishima look a bit sad just to remember one of his two heroes but knew his brother wouldn't like to see him upset. 

Kirishima: My brothers name was Enji Kirishima his quirk was Garnet hardening. When he would activate his quirk he'd turn into like a gemstone version of my quirk that was way stronger than mine.

Shoto: Enji is also my father's name.

Kirishima: My parents named him that due to his natural hair color was Dark red.

Katsumi: Was he scouted by overwatch?

Kirishima: Yeah when he graduated Highschool Reindhart one of the greatest Tanks of Overwatch scouted my brother.

Izuna wanted to ask more questions but decided against it and Invited him to join her group of friends. When classes ended Izuna rushed home and saw both her parents trying to video chat with Izuku since they saw the news.

The video call kept ringing but no answer they kept trying over and over again until he picked up "Hey mom, dad, izuna how are you guys?" His family were shocked at how nonchalant he was speaking. They wanted to ask more questions until they heard a voice " Izuku Vamos a ir a Comer!" Izuku had a confused look which made his family laugh at his facial expression

Izuku: What does that mean David?

David: It means we're gonna go eat come on

Izuku: Okay I'll be there.

Izuku looked back to his parents"Sorry mom and dad me and my squad are gonna grab a bite to eat" Izuku typed up a schedule of when he's free to talk . This gave the Yagi's a glimmer of hope that Izuku would let them into his life.

(Hey everyone please enjoy this chapter til next time peace ✌️)

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