Chapter 23

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It was late in the afternoon when Delta, Foxtrot and Echo had settled down and decided how to split guard shifts when suddenly a massive shadow was over them as they prepare themselves for a battle until multiple multiple people could be seen  jumping out of the shadow followed by a large crate like object. Suddenly the shadow in the sky had passed over them they saw multiple people in overwatch uniform including commander Rayes

As Delta, Foxtrot and Echo squad had seen one of the commanders they all stood at attention waiting for orders.

Rayes: At ease cadets! Nice to see you all still standing. I'll be taking charge of you all as myself and phantom squad are your reinforcements. Are there any questions?! 

D/E/F: No sir!

Rayes: You cadets can rest up at night I'll give you all your guard assignments so you can get a taste of what being a StrikeForce member is like. Dismissed!

As everyone was leaving and trying to rest up before they were given new orders Izuku had a question for his commanding officer

Izuku: Excuse me Commander Rayes how did you get a squad named Phantom?

Rayes: Well son my squad is composed of Soldiers who were eligible for the StrikeForce branch but they wanted to become a specialized team so that's how phantom squad was born . If you play your cards right you and everyone on your squad can probably have your own team.

Izuku: That's amazing I do hope that I can teach someone properly.

Rayes: I'm sure you'll do great kid. Oh and when we're on the field please address me as Phantom. It's my agent name

Izuku: Sure thing phantom. I'll excuse myself to rest up

Izuku had begun to walk around El Dorado to see what the city had to offer but  his stomach began to growl. Izuku didn't know any Spanish to communicate with the locals it wasn't until his communicator went off  


David: Hey Izuku where are you right now?

Izuku: I'm not completely sure but I'm in a plaza with a fountain there's also a red building

David: Look over to the left

Communication end

Izuku had turned his head to the left and saw his squad with Echo and Foxtrot. When he walked towards them they were sitting down with menus in front of them.

Solomon: Hey bro come sit down we're about to order some food. Is there anything you'd like to try?

Izuku: i kinda want beef but I also want chicken at the same time

David: we got you bro.

Solomon: disculpa señora estamos listos para ordenar ( Excuse me Ms we're ready to order)

Waitress: Que gustaría ordenar?

Solomon: puedo Ordenar seis tacos  tres de asada y tres de pollo  ( Can I order six tacos three of beef and three of chicken)

Waitress: los quieres con todo? (Do you want everything on them)

Solomon: puedes poner todo al lado mi amigo es japonés y quiero que disfrute nuestra comida y cultura ( Can you put it all on the side. My friends Japanese I want him to enjoy our food and culture)

The waitress nodded and walked away after taking everyone's orders. Then after 15 minutes she returned with a large platter full of food. Just as everyone was about to eat gun shots could be heard they all put their food down and rushed towards the commotion.

Phantom squad and commander Rayes were pinned down by the enemy who was attempting to enter the city. When everyone reached phantom squads position izuku grabbed three of his bubble shields and threw them down providing cover for everyone. Izuku grabbed his lever action rifle and began to accurately land headshots Delta had also followed Izuku's lead and began to push back the invaders.

Phantom was mentally cursing himself this due to the mission becoming far more difficult for the cadet squads. At the same time they all knew what they signed up for before he could give orders to the squads he heard Izuku giving commands

Izuku: Alright Delta we're going to split up and  flank them! Dominic take this extra shield and take to the roof tops give us a birds eye view.

Dominic: I'm on it

Nightwolf: I'm coming with you

Dominic nodded and the two left  quickly taking cover and firing back at the bandits.

Izuku: Solomon I want you and the healer from Foxtrot to stay behind us. As for the rest of us we're going to try and flank them

Everyone had their assignments and began to move towards cover while providing protection for the civilians. Meanwhile Phantom saw the leadership skill Izuku presented and knew that they found a golden egg.

Suddenly everyone heard a warcry and this put fear into the enemy it was none other than Echo squad. Who were charging towards the enemy with tomahawks all bandits were frozen in shock until some recieved tomahawks to the face resulting in their deaths. Terror filled the bandits as they saw the brutality displayed then more were gunned down by Foxtrot who had taken advantage of their enemies state of fear.

Delta had been sneaking behind enemy lines to eliminate any who tried to escape which worked successfully. Lastly Phantom squad had protected the city entrance and prevented civilian casualties once the invasion was over all squads regrouped.

Phantom: Cadet Midoriya care to explain yourself!

Izuku: Sorry sir I have no excuse for taking command. It seemed like the plan worked out but I'm ready to be given punishment for stepping out of line Sir! 

Phantom: Looks like I found a worthy soldier for the other commanders to give tactical planning training.

Izuku: What?!

Phantom: Your mind is also a dangerous weapon I'll make sure you get trained by myself, Winston and 76. Now would you like to give out our next order

Izuku: Foxtrot I want you all to guard the city entrance and build some fortification in case of another attack. Echo and Delta search for any civilian who were wounded due to being caught in the crossfire. Phantom squad please perform perimeter checks to ensure we're not caught off guard.

The comlink came to life as an incoming transmission was being recieved "Delta it's HQ"

Izuku: Izuku to HQ I copy

HQ: You'll be receiving more backup this time a couple members from Strike force

Izuku: When can we expect them to arrive?

HQ: In a few hours. Is there any questions?

Izuku: Can we get supplies to build some fortification

HQ: We'll send the supplies with the reinforcements. HQ out

Once everyone heard the transmission they began to work on the rolls assigned to them by Izuku.

(Hey guys sorry for the late update just been busy with work hope you enjoy this chapter)

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