Chapter 24

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As a few hours passed Delta, Echo, Foxtrot and phantom squad had done everything possible to calm down the people after witnessing the firefight. Once the people were reassured that they would be safe an Overwatch transport had arrived.

The reinforcements that had arrived were Reindhart, Torbjörn, Brigitte, Ashe and Hanzo. To assist with the protection of El Dorado México during the afternoon Torbjörn had set up multiple turrets to protect the perimeter of the city.

Reindhart was on patrol and had many of the bandits in fear with dealing with a man like him while Torbjörn was setting up his upgraded turrets all around the city providing protection to and a sense of security. Brigitte was patrolling the opposite end of the city making sure that they weren't going to get ambushed for neglecting all possible routes to the city.

As the sun began to set the city had been equipped with heavy defenses making their mission a bit more easy hopefully the construction of the base would be quick. All squads plus the members of StrikeForce had sat around a bonfire they made preparing their M.R.E (Meal, Ready to eat) Delta was about to pull theirs out when they all reached into their bags and grabbed the sack lunch D.Va made them.

Everyone around them showed an expression of confusion it wasn't until commander Reyes had spoken up

Reyes: Delta did you make your own sack lunches?!

Izuku who was eating the celery and carrot sticks swallow what he was chewing before answering.

Izuku: It was actually sir she came by before our departure and handed us sack lunches.

Reyes: what time did you cadets wake up.

David: It was around 3am

The veteran StrikeForce members were surprised because sleeps in late and had a difficult time waking up early.

Dante: Damn how the hell did you guys get lunch made by ?

Huey: She's every guys dream girl

Dominic: Well it so happens our squad leader Izuku is her boyfriend.

The members of Foxtrot and Echo had their jaws hit the floor as they were surprised since everyone who has attempted to ask out were rejected.

The other cadets bowed down to Izuku "We're in the presence of greatness, We're not worthy"

Izuku could only chuckle at their reaction because he didn't think it was that big of a deal.

Riley: Where did you even meet her?

Izuku: she came to Japan to conquer the top high scores in every arcade.

As Izuku explained the full story to his comrades they were left speechless then proceeded to eat.

Reyes: Alright before we call it a night Phantom squad, Echo squad and I will take first watch around the perimeter then we'll swap with Delta and foxtrot then they  would take the next  perimeter shift with Ashe, Torbjörn and Reindhart. Hanzo and Brigitte were sent to stick with the shadows in order to provide support if needed.

Hours passed Izuku had been woken up from a Phantom squad member who told him it was his turn for patrol. Izuku didn't know it but something told him there would be action during his shift.

As Izuku was patrolling his designated area there was an uneasy feeling with all members who patrolled. Hours passed there seemed to be no activity coming from the bandits who tried to muscle their way into El dorado.

Once the dawn of a new day could be seen through the horizon all squads were told to meet near the fountain near the city entrance. Izuku was on his way but then he saw something shine it worried him so he pulled out binoculars and saw an army of the bandits approaching the city.  Putting his finger to his earpiece "Commander Phantom come to my location immediately we've got company!"

All squads including those who were getting to take over guard duty rushed to Izuku's location.

Phantom: What's the situation?

Izuku: here

Izuku said as he passed the binoculars to phantom while he kept an eye on the dust cloud forming in the distance.

Phantom: Fuck! Everyone to your battle stations!

Nobody else asked him what he saw but by his command to get ready for battle meant that shit was about to hit the fan. Torbjörn had begun to set up more turrets on every roof in order to give them assistance.  Echo squad, Dominic and Hanzo had taken to the roof tops.

Time had expired they heard battle cries could be heard and saw an army of bandits. Bullets began to fly the civilians began to scatter all members of Overwatch cadets, soldiers and StrikeForce were focused on the incoming invasion.

Izuku did his best to gun down all enemy threats while protected by his bubble shield when he heard innocent civilians.

?: Mamá mi conejito! (Mommy my bunny!)

?: María deja ese peluche! (María leave that stuffed animal!)

The little girl Izuku saw from his peripheral was about to rush into the battlefield to retrieve her stuffed animal. She was corned by some bandit who was able to get passed some defenses while the little girl was about to be killed when suddenly Izuku's body moved and found the hidden blade his mother gifted him thrusted through the bandits throat while a bubble shield was protecting the little girl and Izuku himself.

Izuku turned around and noticed the little had some blood splatter on her "I'm sorry" he said to her as she was afraid but after she had come back to her senses her savior was gone. She stayed in the bubble and waited for an opportunity to run to her mother

Izuku was advancing putting down the bandits who attempted to breach the city's defenses. Parts of the buildings were destroyed due to grenades that were tossed passed the defense. What Izuku didn't notice was a camera crew from world news was caught in the crossfire and recorded everything that was going on.

(Hey guys sorry for lack of updates I've been busy looking for a new job and getting some Dental work done please enjoy this chapter. Til next time ✌️)

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