Chapter 16

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The Following day it was 3am Izuku had woken up first to get ready for the day as he exited his room everyone else had also gotten ready for the day.

Izuku: Why are you guys up?

David: Well Solomon and I grew up in a family of farmers so we woke up this early since we always tended to the fields.

Dominic: Is that so David? I also came from a family of farmers.

Solomon: Why are you up this early Izuku?

Izuku: I was a pro boxer before signing up with Overwatch so I'd always do warmups then head to the gym.

All three nodded and ate some oatmeal for breakfast then went to change into their Overwatch Fatigues which was a Navy blue shirt with black cargo pants. Before leaving and locking up their temporary home they checked the garage and  found a golf cart to make it easier make it on time for PT (physical training) after dpearting they drove to the base and found parking for their cart in an area labeled Cadet parking.

Upon their arrival when they walked into the training facilities commander 76, Reyes and Winston were wondering why the Cadets of Delta were early for PT training.

76: Cadets why the fuck are you all early!? Your training doesn't  start til 5am!

As Delta squad stood at attention while the rest of the main strikeforce squads watched them. Izuku spoke and hopefully his response would be one that commander 76 could accept.

Izuku: We are all accustomed to staring our PT this early sir!

76: I see. Well then if you're all willing to start this early lets see if you guys have what it takes to keep up with the strikeforce.

Thus began hell training for Delta which consisted of heavy endurance, Physical and mental training. 76 had given Delta squad training similar to the Navy seals hoping to break them but to his surprise they were all strong willed and refused to give up. After having them go through hell for an hour and a half 76 couldn't feel anything but pride in this team of new recruits so he turned to then strikeforce members and they were also finishing up their PT. Reyes approached 76  "told you these boys would fit in with us" he said as delta began to regulate their breathing after the intense workout

76: Well color me impressed boys you're the first squad of rookies to withstand this hellish training that we strikeforce members go through.

The time was currently 4:30am Delta was taking a water break then they noticed 76, Reyes and Winston talked among themselves when water break was over the heads of Overwatch approached Delta squad with some news.

Winston: Well Delta we've come to the conclusion that you'll be the first squad to pick your soldier class.

Dominic: So we'll get to choose Damage, Tank and Healer

Winston: Precisely my young friend

David: I want to be a tank

Solomon: I want to be a healer

Dominic: I want to be an attacker

Izuku: I want to learn all three

His squad mates and the members of strikeforce were confused but then he explained his reasoning.

Izuku: If you can have one person who can specialize in all three then there's no need to worry if a squamate is down because someone will be there to cover two roles if the team has to make a tactical retreat if necessary

That seemed like the most logical plan to the members of Overwatch so they agreed to give Izuku training in all fields of soldier class.

76: Well Cadet Midoriya what class do you want to learn from first?

Izuku: Ill start with the healer class then go to Damage class then end with Tank class

Reyes: Perfect Today will be a 30 minute introduction to your soldier class then head home because your soldier class training begins tomorrow

After the 30 minute orientation Delta squad had left their respective areas and reunited only to see the other squads arrive for their PT training. Delta squad was leaving and they heard the one squads complaining about how they got special treatment until Reyes shut them up by telling them they had arrived since 3am.

As they were leaving 76 pulled Izuku to the side "Cadet Midoriya" Izuku had stood in attention "Yes sir commander" he said a bit nervously "Ive got a favor to ask you." The young man was confused as to what 76 wanted him to do so he listened carefully "Can you find a way to get Hana to do some PT. She's only been doing target practice and Pilot training. Id like to have all Overwatch members have some stamina in case we have to tactically retreat." Izuku now understood since he hadn't seen D.VA anywhere in the training area "Understood sir I'll find a way to get Hana to do some PT " 76 was glad the kid took on his request "Alright Cadet you and delta are dismissed"

Delta headed back to their home on the base to shower and relax since real training starts tomorrow.

Hey guys new chapter please enjoy til next time peace

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