Chapter 13

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Izuku had woken up spontaneously and he quickly looked out his window only to see the sky still as dark as night. He went to the bathroom and splashed water on his face and looked into the mirror then he noticed that the swelling from last nights fight had recovered overnight. He then got a change of clothes so he could shower and start the day properly after his shower Izuku made his way downstairs to make breakfast but then saw his, mom, dad and sister already making breakfast.

Izuku: Goodmorning everyone

as they turned around he was greeted with warm smiles before he could step foot into the kitchen Inko asked "What are you doing youngman?" Izuku looked confused but responded "I'm going to make my breakfast" his mother shook her head "Just have a seat honey Im making breakfast we're having eggs and beacon with pancakes" he quickly sat at the table while his father brought up the topic about school.

Toshinori: So son I wanted to know if you were planning to still go to school overseas. I also wanted to know if you wanted me to ask Principal Nezu to have you enroll at UA.

Izuku: Truth be told dad I think I'm going to take the offer and go to overwatch.

A loud crash was heard and Inko had dropped a glass of orange juice Izuku quickly got paper towels and cleaned the spill up. "Izuku are you sure that overwatch is the perfect choice?" Toshinori was thinking the same thing but knew that he couldn't take this chance away from his son

Izuku: I think it's the right choice

Inko: Can you explain to me why you think its the best choice for you.

Izuku: It dosen't matter where I go to school and what I want to do after college because everywhere you apply for work they require information of your quirk and if you leave it blank thats unacceptable.   

Now that they heard Izuku speak Inko, Toshinori and Izuna began to think about how difficult things have become for those who are diagnosed quirkless. Once Inko brought the food they ate and had a less deppressing conversation after eating and cleaning up Izuku had decided to give Hana a call.

*Ring*Ring Ring*

Hana: Hey Izu whats up? How'd you sleep last night?

Izuku: Hey Hana I slept okay just had a crazy dream. Im calling to let you know that I want to Join Overwatch.

Hana: For reals?!

Izuku: For reals so can you let Winston know or inform your commanding officer

Hana: Ok Ill Let Winston know give me moment and Ill let him know. Can I call you back after I tell him

Izuku: Okay thats fine talk to you in a bit.


With Hana and Overwatch

Hana was super giddy she couldn't stop smiling and looking like a fool she exited her room and made her way to Winston's lab. Hana was caught in her thoughts when she heard a voice behind her "Whats got you so happy Luv" Hana turned around and saw her friend and squadmate Lena also known as Tracer. "Ah Lena well my boyfriend accepted the offer to join Overwatch Im gonna talk to Winston about it." Lena was happy for Hana that she wasn't  gonna have to deal with a long distance relationship like she did.  " Well I'll leave you to it I gotta get some target practice" When the two parted ways Hana continued to make her way to Winston's office and upon entering she saw both Rayes and 76 talking to him Hana knocked and meekly asked

Hana: Am I inturrupting anything important?

76: No we're discussing some possible upgrades for everyone.

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