Chapter 20

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It was early morning the same as usual Delta squad was wide awake ready to do their physical training then they remembered they had the day off due to an important mission that certian strikeforce members had to participate in.

Either way Izuku got ready grabbed his gun and walked out his room and greeted his other squadmates who were getting ready for the day.

David: Hey Izuku where are you off to right now?

Izuku: im going to check if I can use the shooting range i want to practice with my gun.

David: Okay cool. So what time do you want to go get the groceries

Izuku: How about around noon?

David: okay thats fine. We'll see you later

Izuku left and took the golf cart  to the hq and looked for a shooting range he a soldier found him looking lost "Cadet can I help you?" Izuku turned around and saw a soldier "Im looking for a shooting range so i can practice with my gun." The soldier nodded and showed him the way when the arrived the soldier noticed two members of strikeforce were in there when they entered all attention was on him

Cole: Hello soldier here for target practice?

Soldier: No sir just showing the cadet around

When Izuku presented himself in front of the strikeforce members Cole's eyes widend in excitement.

Cole: Hey Champ you lookin to practice

Izuku: I sure am sir.

Cole: You can leave the cadet here there's no issue

Soldier: Yes sir.

As Izuku spoke to Cole the woman who was next to him was confused why he addressed the cadet as champ.

?: Mcree aren't you going to introduce me to your cadet

The man known as Mcree had an exhausted look on his face when they called him Mcree. Izuku had noticed this and didn't address him as such

Cole: Im Cole Cassidy aka Mcree

Izuku: Its a pleasure to meet you again sir.

Cole: This here is Ashe she's been away on a long term mission

Cole: This here is Ashe she's been away on a long term mission

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Ashe: Nice to meet you kid but the name is Elizabeth. Ashe is my code name.

Izuku: Nice to meet you. What do you mean code name?

Cole: when and if you become part of strikeforce all members of your squad pick code names while you're on the field

Izuku: I see well im Izuku Midoriya

Ashe: Its nice to meet you the soldier said you wanted to practice with your gun lets see it.

Izuku pulled out his 45 colt and the other two were in shock that because no shooting rookie can hold a handcannon without dealing with  heavy recoil their first try. The two gave Izuku pointers as they watched him shoot after every shot Izuku began to improve little by little

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