Chapter 5 birthday pt1

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It was officially July 15th Izuku's birthday he woke up early and did nothing special because he believed that his parents were going to focus on Izuna. Izuku simply woke up showered and took an apple and left home with his bass guitar and electric guitar once outside he decided to walk to the park to find a place to play until he remembered to buy more guitar and bass strings.

Meanwhile the Yagi family woke up and began to get the home ready for Izuku's party. Inko was making a feast for breakfast Toshinori and Izuna had finally arrived downstairs they saw Inko with a tray of food that had Pancakes, scrambled eggs, beacon, toast with grape jam spread on top

Izuna: Mom are you going to give Onii-chan breakfast in bed?

Inko: I sure am hopefully he will love my home cooking

Toshinori and Izuna followed Inko to Izuku's room as they wanted to surprise him with a birthday wakeup call. Upon opening the door and walking inside they didn't see him anywhere Izuna noticed his bass and guitar were no longer on their stands

Izuna: I think he left the house earlier today

Toshinori: Why would he leave early?

Inko: Think about it due to neglecting him for years he thinks today will he about Izuna.

The family had their heads down in shame until knocking on the front door of their home got their attention. The trio rushed down to see who it was and when they opened the door they saw Sorahiko, Mira, Aizawa, Nemuri,  Yamada, the Bakugou's, Nezu, Ectoplasm, Snipe and a few others who came to attend the party.

Toshinori: What's everyone doing here?

Sorahiko: We're here to wish Izuku a happy birthday

Inko: He's not here....

Aizawa: let's start forming search parties!

Izuna: No we think he just left for the day to be on his own since he probably thought today mom and dad would have focused on me.

Mirai: Well i guess it would seem normal due to being ignored for so long.

Inko: Well I did make a breakfast feast it would be a waste if we didnt eat he'll come home later.

With Izuku

As Izuku made it to Kashyyyk shopping mall it was already 10:30 am the music shop wouldn't be open until 11 so he decided to try and kill time. First he went to grab some coffee and a donut the line was long but he didn't mind since it was still early but he tried to find something else to do until he spotted the arcade with tons of people crowding around so he thought he'd investigate the commotion.

As he approached the arcade and saw the large bright yellow letters of the establishment which read Arcade he thought to himself 'I can finally afford the luxury of coming here.' As he got closer to the arcade he noticed people huddling near a specific game it was Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Izuku was familiar with the game since he saw tutorials on combos online. He tapped the shoulder of someone to see what was happening "Excuse me what's happening?" The person then responded "D.Va is here and taking on anyone with the guts to try and beat her, She's also going to live streaming"

D.Va was one of Izuku's favorite streamers he tries his best to keep up with all her content but due to work and Boxing its hard for him not to fall asleep when he's trying to catch up. As he got closer up front he could see and hear her voice "Do any one of you noobs have the skill to take me on!"

 As he got closer up front he could see and hear her voice "Do any one of you noobs have the skill to take me on!"

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Izuku: I'd like to try.

All the people looked at him in surprise since nobody was stepping forward "Well then Noob please tell me your name."

Izuku: Im Izuku Midoriya

D.Va: Okay Izuku, I'll be streaming this match is that fine?

Izuku: Fine by me. What happens if I win?

The crowd began to instagate "oooohhhhh" D.Va liked his optimism but wanted to play along so that the stream could be fun. "If you win I'll do whatever you want." D.Va said as she was confident in her skills as a pro gamer as they picked their three fighters Izuku chose Spiderman, Captain America and Jill valentine on the other hand D.Va chose Ryu, Cyclopse and Morrigan.

D.Va had begun her stream "annyeonghaseyo everyone welcome to another stream Im currently in Mustafar Tokyo Japan conquering all the highscores in all arcades."

D.Va's fans on her stream were hyped to see her try and dominate all the highscores in Japanese arcades.

At the Yagi residence

Izuna was bummed out that her brother was gone but she couldn't blame him since she did end up stealing his date of birth her concentration was broken when she got a notification on her phone. She saw D.Va was livestreaming and saw who she was going to play against so she quickly rushed

Izuna: Everyone I know where Izuku is

Inko: where?! Where is he?

Izuna then began to stream the video on the living room tv as they saw Izuku about to face off someone in a game.

Katsuki/Katsumi: Thats the arcade!!

Izuna: He's going to play against D.Va

As the adult had no clue who the girl was they then looked at their kids for answers.

Katsumi: She's a famous world champion gamer and one of the best from South Korea

They then watched in anticipation as the match between the two was about to begin.

Back to Izuku

As the first match started everyone thought Izuku was foolish enough to go up against D.Va but the shock of a life time happend when Izuku had set up combos and  completely dominated D.Va but using Capt to launch her Ryu upward and preforming ariel combos into swiching characters mid fight in order to continue the air combo. When the combo finally ended D.Va was down to two characters she and her fans were shocked but then a smile grew on her face

D.Va: Finally someone who can give me a challenge

She got back at Izuku making the playing field both were down to two characters a piece. It was a back and forth  match Izuku dominated the first round then D.Va dominated round 2 when round 3 was nearing an end the two competitors landed simultaneous hits which resulted in a double K.O. the crowd were now chanting Rematch and so they did continue for another hour and thirty minutes.

As time flew Izuku asked D.Va "hey do you know what time it is?" She looked at her cell and responded with "its 11:30" Izuku then grabbed his gigbag and was about to leave

D.Va: where's my rematch!?

Izuku: Sorry but I got something to do it was nice meeting and playing with you.

D.Va: Wait since you did beat me 3 to 2 what do you want me to do

Izuku: Can we exchange info if your going to be in Japan we can play again

D.Va: s-s-sure

All of D.Va's followers began to tease her until the stream cut off.

(Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter til next time peace. )

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