Chapter 1 forgotten

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It was Izuku and Izuna's fourth birthday they had gone to the doctor's office to have their quirk test done. Little did Izuku know it would be the day his life completely changes but not for the better.

When the results came Doctor Yamaguchi had come back into the room with a manila folder which contained the results of both Inko Yagi's children.

Dr: Hello Mrs Yagi im sorry for the wait now I have good news and bad News which do you want to hear first

Inko: What's the bad news?

Dr: Izuku Yagi is quirkless

Izuku froze his dream in that instant was destroyed he dropped his favorite toy. As he couldn't believe what he was just told

Dr: The good news is Izuna had a powerful Telekinesis quirk.

Instead of comforting her son Inko scooped up Izuna and said how proud she was of her while Izuku himself had tears running down his face the doctor was the only one to comfort him during this dark day.

As the Yagi family had gotten home Izuku was quiet at the doorway they were greeted by Toshinori Yagi who then asked "What quirks do the kids have?"

Inko: Izuku is quirkless and Izuna has a stronger quirk than mine

Toshinori: Too bad about Izuku but my little princess is going to be the next symbol of peace.

All these words were said in front of Izuku he quietly made his way towards his room and began to take down all hero merchandise he owned. 'What's the point to dream about being a hero when my own family won't acknowledge me.'

After that he laid down in bed and cried himself to sleep for a few hours. He was woken up by his parents for birthday cake when he got to the table he saw a large cake and was excited but when he read the frosting it said happy birthday Izuna while it looked like a second name was crossed out. Izuku was then handed a small cupcake with one candle he didnt complain he said Thankyou and made his wish.

Next day at school

When it came time for school Izuku didnt want to go but his parents forced him to when he and his sister arrived they were greeted by  the Bakugou twins Katsuki and Katsumi. When the two asked about their quirks Izuna proudly said her quirk then bagan to badmouth her brother about being quirkless.

Katsuki: Do you still want to be a hero Deku!!!

Izuku was shocked that his bestfriend would insult him like that. Izuku didnt want to be a hero anymore since his family didn't really acknowledge him in any way.

Izuku: No.... I dont want to be a hero........

Saying those words stung his throat because he always dreamed of being a hero. Through out the day Izuku was ignored it wasnt until his parents showed up

Teacher: Mr and mrs Yagi what can i help you with?

Toshinori: we're here to pick up our daughter

Teacher: you'll take your son too right?

Inko: no just Izuna.

The teacher was shocked that it seemed the parents didn't care for their son he handed Inko and Toshi a sign out sheet. "Izuna your parents are here to pick you up." The little girl was excited and collected her things while Izuku had tears in his eyes seeing his parents not care about him.

As Toshinori and Inko took their daughter they drove to UA which confused the little girl. "Why are we at UA?" She asked her parents in which they returned smiles "We're starting your hero training!!" It was revealed to her that her parents were All Might and Kinetics.

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