Chapter 17

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After leaving training Delta headed back to their home to shower and relax Izuku decided to text Hana to try and have her participate in PT.


Izuku: hey babe you busy? Im about to start a stream in 15 minutes whats up?

Izuku: Are you living on the base if so can I head over real quick?


Izuku: I know thats your logo what's that have to do with anything?

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Izuku: I know thats your logo what's that have to do with anything? Thats how you'll find my house on base silly

Izuku had looked up and all over the neighborhood as Solomon was driving back the golf cart. When Izuku spotted the pink bunny logo "Hey guys I'll meet you at the house I gotta meet D.VA real quick." The guys nodded and stopped the cart so he could get out.

Izuku jogged toward the house with the pink bunny logo and knocked. Then the door had slowly opened up and Izuku saw Hana wearing a cute casual outfit.

 Then the door had slowly opened up and Izuku saw Hana wearing a cute casual outfit

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Izuku: Hana you look extremely cute

He thought he said that in his head but it was out loud when he noticed Hana blushing red. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and brought him inside.

Hana: So what did you wanna talk about?

Izuku: Well babe its just that 76 has been worried you're not doing enough PT. He wants everyone prepared for worse case scenarios

Hana: please come in I wanna show you something.

Hanna had led her boyfriend to one of the bedrooms which had been converted into a gym. "I have been doing PT in secret ever since we got together and when I rode the bike when you did roadwork I realized that I had little to no stamina or muscle."

Izuku had been impressed then he saw Hana remove her jacket to notice that she had toned biceps then he looked at her legs and notice they were nicely toned aswell.

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