Chapter 4

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It was currently 4 o'clock in the morning Izuku thought he was the only one up so he went downstairs to cook his breakfast. His meal consisted of scrambled eggs, beacon, fruit and toast after eating then letting the food digest he began stretching.

Once streatches were completed he grabbed his gym bag and headed toward the gym little did he know his parents and Izuna made sure to keep a distance so he wouldn't notice after reaching his destination they saw the gym name Kamogawa gym.

Upon the Yagi family hiding and spying on the gym they notice the Bakugou family slowly creeping near them

Toshinori: You had the same idea we did huh?

Mitsuki: it sure looks that way.

Toshinori: Masaru why do you have your work equipment with you?

Masaru: I know how im getting close to him. You all have to get your own idea

The bakugou twins were confused when their father made his way inside the gym.

Inside Kamogawa gym

As he walked in "Hello goodmorning!" He said as he entered into the gym while other members looked at him as he seemed like a suspicious character.

Masaru: I'm here to see coach Makunouchi ....

Ippo was in the ring doing mitt work with Izuku until he heard his name. "I'm coach Makunouchi. How can I help you?"

Masaru: My name is Bakugou Masaru and Id like to know if I can borrow Izuku Midoriya for a moment.

Ippo: Is he in trouble?

Masaru: oh no you see Im a fashion designer for Rising Sun and my company has decided to expand into the world of athletic apparel.

Masaru said as he passed his business card to Ippo who had inspected the card he then nodded and let him speak with Izuku in regards to assisting with inspiration for the athletic apparel. After ten to 15 minutes of talking Masaru left

Back outside

Everyone waited in anticipation as Masaru came back outside and they complimented how genius his plan was. "Masaru your plan was brilliant" his wife said until he turned to her "No my company is really getting into the athletic apparel scene" he then began  sketching designs as he drew multiple figures from the measurements he got from Izuku.

They stayed hidden as they looked in on Izuku's  training hoping they weren't going to get caught. It wasn't until the Bakugou and Yagi family paid close attention to what Izuku had to do.

Inside the gym

Ippo: Alright kid I've gotten word and your fight will be in one month's time and fight night is August 13 you'll have one day off which will be July 15.

Izuku: Why am i getting the 15th off?

Ippo: Did you think I'd forget any of my fighters birthday.

Izuku was silent it since it seemed unexpected but was happy his coach cared.

Ippo: Okay kid for training we're going to build up stamina and im also going to have you learn how to fight southpaw

Izuku: Why would you like me to learn to fight SouthPaw?

Ippo: There hasn't been a lot of Southpaw fighters as of late and it will make it difficult for them since they're accustomed to fighting Orthodox fighters.

Izuku: Are we beginning now?

Ippo: Yes we'll start off with Southpaw training.

As 3 in a half weeks went by Izuku was looking like a natural Southpaw boxer the day was currently July 14th as his workouts had increased.  The training session had ended sooner than the usual time

Ippo: Alright kid shower up you're done for today.

Izuku: isn't it too early to turn in?

Ippo: Well tomorrow is your birthday so I thought id let you relax a bit more.

Izuku went to the shower and after 30 minutes when he walked out Coach Ippo held a gift for Izuku. "Happy Birthday kid." As he took the gift from Ippo's hands he removed the lid from the box and saw a leather jacket

" As he took the gift from Ippo's hands he removed the lid from the box and saw a leather jacket

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This had quickly become the best and only gift he'd receive in years. Tears covered his eyes but quickly wipped them away he smiled brightly and thanked them for the gift.

Meanwhile Izuku's parents and sister were all scrambling to find the perfect gift for him but they still knew very little about his life Inko then got the idea for a perfect gift and went to the support company that designed her gear. Toshinori then saw a letter in the mail for Izuku it was from the DMV he felt something like plastic and realized his son got his license and decided to find any clue about what kind of Vehicle Izuku likes by going into his room and looking for any sort of hint Izuna did the same as she went to look for clues.

Upon getting to his room Toshinori noticed a lot of art work with American Muscle cars and Motorcycles which gave him his idea for a present Izuna was still stuck but then saw a note on his desk it read 'buy more strings'

Upon getting to his room Toshinori noticed a lot of art work with American Muscle cars and Motorcycles which gave him his idea for a present Izuna was still stuck but then saw a note on his desk it read 'buy more strings'

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Izuna then got the idea that she would  get him more bass strings so she snapped a picture and ran off to the nearest music store. Little did Izuku know this was the beginning of his new life.

(Sorry for filler chapters but im building the story up for excitement)

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