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Hello my readers sorry for not being as active but I thought Id post a holiday chapter for you all. This chapter will spoil ships I have planned for some of the heroes. Future characters will also be making an appearance

I was currently November 23rd Izuku and Hanna were going to host thanksgiving dinner although they were still at the Overwatch base they could invite their families to spend the holiday with them. As the couple were up at 3 am to make sure all the food would be ready for the evening when their families would arrive there was a sudden knock at the door

Izuku and Hanna didn't know who would knock at their door so early but upon answering the door in front of them stood Huey and Riley with their significant others who were Jasmine and Cindy

Huey: Good morning guys we thought we'd help out with the food since we're all going to be eating together

Riley: We also brought Grandad's peach cobbler all we have to do is bake it but that can wait until we finish the main course.

As the four had walked in to wash their hands to help prepare side dishes the girls went in the dining room and started talking

Cindy: so girl where are the kids?

Hana: Well Eri, Izumo, Riku and Izuto are still asleep and haven't woken up yet and they have been excited to meet all our families again.

Jasmine: Well Eri and the triplets are well loved in your families what about his other son Yuki will he also attend?

Hana: Of course the whole Todoroki family is going to be present Izuku will be happy to have all his sons together

Meanwhile with the guys

Izuku, Huey and Reliy were preparing the Turkey, Mashed Potatos and stuffing they also began to talk

Huey: So Izuku are you happy that all your sons will be together

Izuku: of course all my kids together will be great and they all get along well

Riley: Well are you also going to marry his mother

the mood had kind of soured thanks to Riley's question which earned him a smack by Huey

Izuku: I would love to marry Fuyumi like i did with Hanna so we can have all our kids together but since Hanna and I were each other's first time partners i doubt she would like the idea.

The two brothers had understood the position in which he was in and decided to drop the conversation when the two remembered about the rest of Delta squad

Riley: Changing the subject real quick where the hell is Dominic, David, Solomon and Nightwolf?

Izuku: Solomon went to pick up my family since hes dating my sister and David went to pick up his girlfriend and NIghtwolf went to visit his family

before Izuku could mention where Dominic was the doorbell was rung Izuku had gone to see who was at the door only to see Kaina Tsutsumi aka Lady Nagant and Dominic these two had become a couple.

Kaina had join the rest of the lady's while the men were in the kitchen planning out more dishes to serve for the feast. Since it was still early in the morning there was plenty of time to cook the turkey. The guys went out side and looked at their meat smoker and began to think about smoking some brisket

With the ladies

Hana/Jasmine: Hey Kaina

Cindy: Hey girl how's everything

Kaina: Everything has been well with Dominic and I so there's no complaints.

Before they could continue their talk they heard a door open " Mommy?" Hanna looked and saw Eri rubbing her eyes

Hana: Eri are you okay?

Eri: I had to go potty.

When her little eyes adjusted she saw her aunties

Eri: Aunties!

The little girl ran to hug all her aunties as she was given love

Hana: Do you want me to tuck you back in bed Eri

Eri: I'm a Big girl mama I can do it

Cindy: Don't worry kid we'll be here when you wake up ok so go on back to bed and we'll see you in a few hours

Eri: okay aunty C good night everyone.

After Eri had gone to bed the girls kept the talking to the minimum and began to  prepare all the food that would be served on this day.

Several hours later

After several hours of food prep it was all complete the turkey was in the oven for the final hour the mash potatoes were over a low flame to keep warm and the table was set. Before the guest began to arrive Huey, Riley, Dominic, Jasmine,Cindy and Kaina had left and we home to grab a quick shower and get dressed for the event.

To save time Izuku and Hana showered together then bathed and dressed their kids up  Eri was dressed in a cute fall sweater while Izuku dressed his son's up

To save time Izuku and Hana showered together then bathed and dressed their kids up  Eri was dressed in a cute fall sweater while Izuku dressed his son's up

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After getting his kids dressed a knock could be heard as Izuku went to open the door he greeted his parents the Todoroki's the Songs and his squad mates Izuku also saw how his son Yuki was dressed almost like his other sons

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After getting his kids dressed a knock could be heard as Izuku went to open the door he greeted his parents the Todoroki's the Songs and his squad mates Izuku also saw how his son Yuki was dressed almost like his other sons.

When all the greetings were said and done Izuku and the rest set the table and placed the thanksgiving feast on the table.

When all the greetings were said and done Izuku and the rest set the table and placed the thanksgiving feast on the table

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Izuku: Before we begin to eat I want to say grace. Oh lord we thank you for this meal we are about to eat and bless the hands of those who made this meal. We know we are not promised a tomorrw so we thank you for your mercy Amen.

After grace was said everyone began to grab a little bit of everything and enjoy  each other's company.

( Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 everyone sorry for not updating as much but I'll try my best to get back to writing til next time peace)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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