Chapter 30

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*warning this chapter may anger readers i apologize in advance.*

When Izuku was named team leader who would lead this mission he walked to 76 to gain anymore info on the situation.

Izuku: Commander I need to know if there's any info you can give me

76: We have a specialist who's quirk can project memories we managed to record what we could but some of these memories are hard to watch.

Izuku had taken the memory recordings back to Delta house and was watching them in the living room with the rest of Delta,echo and foxtrot. They spent time trying to find the location of the captives were.

Every bit of the memory was traumatic as they saw what she went through protecting her little sister from having her innocence taken she had been raped multiple times because she agreed to it if they promised not to touch her sister. The next part of the memory was her planning her escape with many of the captives promising to protect her sister Julie.

The last part of the memory was her taking one last look at the warehouse where they were held captive hoping someone could aid them. It wasn't until Riley spoke up.

Riley: Huey isn't that where we stopped to ask for directions when we were trying to find overwatch

Huey:  we only asked for directions because we said it was for a job interview and they didn't give us any problems.

Izuku: Do you remember where the place is

Riley: Its near the docks we gotta head there now

Izuku: Let's move out

Izuku and the team suited up and reported to commander 76 about their findings. 76 was impressed with how fast they found the location where to save the innocent. 76 made the announcement to all available squads and cadets to prepare for an assault on an enemy base

Once everyone was as a decent distance they began to formulate a plan to break into the warehouse.

Izuku: I need echo squad, Dominic, Hanzo, Genji and Torbjörn to go through the top of the warehouse

Just as everyone Izuku had listed everyone who was going through the top Adam smith the prick from Alpha squad had interrupted

Adam : May I ask why Torbjörn is assigned with the stealth team

Izuku: I'm gonna need Torbjörn to build as many turrets on the catwalks. We don't know how many enemies we'll be facing and we don't want to get overwhelmed while the rest of us storm the warehouse.

Many of the veteran StrikeForce members had already understood why Izuku had given his orders.

Izuku: I need Orisa, Reinhardt, D.VA and  bastion in front. Tanks you'll provide protection while Bastion transforms into his tank form and mows down our enemies. We have to find the leader incapacitate him so that we can interrogate him.

Adam: why don't we kill him and be done with it.

Izuku: It's due to the fact that the leader could have connections to multiple branches of human traffickers. Now Let's move out!

With the stealth team

Genji: let's make our way inside now.

As Echo squad, Dominic, Hanzo, Torbjörn and Genji had infiltrated the roof tops they heard voices and began to listen before making a move

Thug 1: hey you remember that girl Elizabeth

Thug 2: i don't know any girl by that name

Thug 3: He means that slut who protects her sister and let's us use her as our play thing.

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