chapter 21 The road to El Dorado pt1

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Two months have passed and Izuku and delta squad have trained their asses off to show strike force that they have what it takes to get tasked with missions. Izuku had completed Mercy's healer classes then moved on to complete 76's damage classes.

With Strike force

The main squad has been keeping their eyes open to see which cadet squads are ready to take on their first mission.

76: So what squads do you think are ready?

Winston: We need to choose carefully there's no reason to rush in this decision let's take our time

Anna: we must choose at least three of the most capable squads to take on this assignment. Does anyone have a suggestion

McCree: I nominate Delta squad

Genji: I nominate echo squad

Reyes: I nominate Foxtrot I second on Delta on being sent on this mission

Lució: why because your boyfriend is on the squad? No. I nominate Delta because they are one of the few squads who are actually putting in extra hours of training

Many of the other strike force members think back and recall being asked by members of Delta.

Winston: thank you for backing McCree and  making a solid point okay Delta is taking on this mission. Genji and Reyes please explain why echo and Foxtrot are a good choice

Genji: Well commander I've personally been watching echo and looked into the background they all hail from legendary Native American descendants like Sitting bull, Crazy horse, Geronimo, red cloud and each have a specialty in marksmanship, stealth, reconnaissance and medical treatment

Winston nodded his head understanding why Genji would recommend Echo squad the native American legends he listened off were some great warriors.  Upon thinking it through Winston had come to a conclusion

Winston: Echo squad is also on this mission. Now Reyes please give me a reason why Foxtrot should join in this operation

Reyes: Well Foxtrot is one of the most offensive attackers I've seen in training they don't back down from a challenge this could prove useful in this mission El Dorado has been plagued with bandits  as of late so showing them Overwatch isn't afraid to tango could prove helpful.

Winston: It's decided Delta, Echo and Foxtrot are going to be assigned to this mission. It shouldn't be too difficult.

The next day

Like always Delta had arrived first before anyone else and began to train as time flew and it had reached 5:00 am Delta was about to leave when they were called back by 76

76: Alright cadets all of you have shown talent but three squads have been chosen to deliver relief aid for el Dorado México. The squads who will be on this mission are

Before 76 could announce the squads on the assigned mission someone interrupted him " Don't worry commander 76 Alpha, Beta and Charlie squad are on it."

The disrespectful prick who interrupted was Adam Smith who assumed Alpha squad was far superior than all the others.

Adam: Commander 76 this must be a mission only Alpha, Beta, Charlie could handle right. Since we're the top prospects

76: Actually Mr Smith Alpha, Beta and Charlie squads are the worst this year. We've decided that this mission should be assigned to Delta, Echo and Foxtrot

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