Chapter 8: Sh*t it's my boss!

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A/N: Author talking

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


F/c: Favorite color

E/C: Eye color

P/C: Power color

H/C: Hair color


(Y/N's POV)

Shinji and I currently are looking around Ash's ship for any trackers on it just in case a fallen merchant or scout had placed one cause if they did it could cause a problem for some of the peaceful planets he visits from time to time or worsts our place.

Y/N: Yup found one. Hey Firefly, think you can tell if it sent our location or anything?

As I saw the device I asked Firefly to see if a location has been sent cause if so then I should tell Hakari and Ash.

Firefly: From my scanners, I'll say that the warp causes it too short out that or our distance is too great for them to track it. You better destroy it now.

Y/N: Right... *crushes it with one hand*

Shinji: Umm Y/N is that Hakari guy going to be okay? It's been on my mind for a bit.

Y/N: Hakari will be fine Ash has lashed out at him before, in fact, we've all thrashed him at least once. So he'll just be on medical leave for a bit.

Shinji: Well that's a relief........I guess? Also, I've been thinking about that question you asked me a couple of days ago.

Y/N: Oh? So you got your answer?

Shinji: Maybe... I'm still thinking about it.

Y/N: Well I did say I didn't need an answer right away. So take your time... oh I think Ash is coming back.

Ash was walking out of Hakari's house with a mad look on his face but he wasn't as mad as earlier.

Ash: *takes a breath* Alright, let's fix that hole really quick and head back to Tokyo-3 I'm sure NERV is franticly looking for us or rather looking for Shinji.

Y/N Nods in agreement

Shinji: Why me specifically? I know I pilot unit-01 but I can't be that important. They still have Rei and that Asuka girl I heard about right?

Y/N: I agree with Shinji, they got Rei and he's with us so he is in good hands. Like what are they going to hold us at gunpoint and demand him back? I mean you and I can both handle a full squad of heavily armed cabal on our own and with our sentinel skills, their bullets or what they throw can't harm us.

Ash: That's exactly what they might do because I think you have forgotten that Shinji is working for NERV in a way. So by policy, he's their property. You and I on the other hand are working for my boss who has made a deal so that we can work with NERV, not for them, and our EVAs are a sign of that agreement. So we're given different standards.

Y/N: That's still not fair how he can't just to space for one little trip I mean it's not like we can call them from here and tell them we're okay, right? As far as I know, we're like a whole galaxy away from them.

Ash: Which is all the more of a reason to get this hole fixed and warp our asses back. Now do me a solid and hand me that toolbox!

Timeskip brought to you by Hakari regretting his recent actions.

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now