Chapter 25: Gone

536 13 4

A/N: Author Talking/ Powerful entity

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


(F/c): Favorite color

(E/c): Eye color

(P/c): Power color

(H/c): Hair Color

(S/c): Skin color


NERV HQ medical bay

-(Y/n)'s POV-

I was pushing Ash down the halls of the medical bay with Shinji right next to me with Toji's little sister holding his hand.

Sakura: Who was that girl that was waiting for Toji?

Shinji: She's a friend.

(Y/n): Make that his girlfriend.

Shinji: Hey don't assume things yet.

Ash: Nah, assumes it when it's obvious. We all got a feeling they like each other. Though I hope Hikari isn't selected for EVA-04.

Shinji: Why not she seems like she could be a good teammate.

Ash: Yeah for a different EVA, if there is one that suits her. EVA-04 sounds like a weapons geek to me.

(Y/n): Yeah and the guy sounds eager to try out his new gear.

Shinji: You know what, the more you describe him the more I think of who might be a good fit for him.

Ash/(Y/n)/Shinji: Kensuke.

The three of us all look at each other for a moment and have a quick laugh. Soon we all turn the corner to see Toji and Sakura's dad and grandfather. Sakura ran up to her dad and hugged him. Mr.Suzuhara had one of NERV's doctor's coats on and we could see the bags on his eyes from lack of sleep and overworking.

Mr. Suzuhara: Sakura! You're better! H-How did this happen?

Sakura: It was Toji! He got a new job here like you, daddy!

Mr.Suzuhara: New job? The only thing Toji could do here at NERV at his age is... He's okay right?!

Toji's Grandfather: *sighs* How many times I gotta tell ya, son? The boy's fine. He just lost conciseness when he got pulled out. Thanks again for looking out for our boy. We appreciate you, boys.

Shinji: It was nothing, just looking out for my friend you know?

Mr. Suzuhara: Nonsense, you pilots saved my boy's life and I don't think I could ever repay you all.

Ash: Well, one way you can is to spend more time with your kids. Toji told me how much he missed the days when you used to play with him and Sakura.

Mr.Suzuhara: Right, I will.

The Suzuhara family waved goodbye and went toward Toji's room. While the boys went up the rooftop.

When they got there, Ash got up from the wheelchair and leaned against the railing, and (Y/n) and Shinji did the same.

Ash: I got a feeling that I will be called by Gendo soon.

(Y/n): Why? We stopped Bardiel and saved Toji.

Ash: I know but, that bastard is probably going to be petty since I didn't follow his orders.

Shinji: My father couldn't be that petty, right?

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now