Chapter 28: Ready to piss off some old men?

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A/N: Author Talking/ Powerful entity

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


(F/c): Favorite color

(E/c): Eye color

(P/c): Power color

(H/c): Hair Color

(S/c): Skin color


-No one's POV-


Its been a week since Shinji was brought back with the combined efforts of (Y/n), Rei, EVA-01, and the good doctor Akagi. Despite the latter not accepting credit, her staff still praised her for the idea of using psionic waves and that it would lead to new psychiatric treatment methods. 

The teen was still unconscious and had been in the medical ward since his return the reason behind his collapse was the lack of nutrients since he was turned into LCL fluid for a month. Just out of the room, Rei and Ash were bringing in food for him. Since the two had a feeling he'd be up soon. As they approached the room, Ash was telling Rei about his time on Ooo some more.

Rei: So the Ice King was just a sad archeologist all along?

Ash: Yeah and his story made me feel guilty for all the times Finn, Jake, and I jacked him up. The dude lost everything in the end.

Rei: Wow...wait what happened to Betty?

Ash: It's...complicated.

The titan was about to open the door but Shinji beat him to it.

Ash: Oh Shinji, you're up

Rei: Welcome back.

Shinji: *smiles* Thanks and Rei I owe you one.

Rei: Owe me? What are you talking about?

Shinji: I sort of heard your voice through the doorway you made, so I just guessed you used your power to get me out. So again thank you Rei. I owe you big time.

Rei: You're welcome Shinji, but you don't owe me anything. I was just saving my friend.

Shinji smiles upon hearing that he also looks down at the cart Ash and Rei are pushing and sees the small spread of food.

Shinji: Question, is that food for me?

Ash: Yup, I didn't know what you're favorite food is so I just came up with something.

Shinji: Ash you rule. Mind if you guys catch me up on what I missed as I eat this?

Ash/Rei: Nope.

The three went into Shinji's room they caught the teen up on what's been happening over the past month. Meanwhile, as they were talking. Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki was walking down a hallway

Kozo: Gendo is something else, his son who has been gone for a month has miraculously returned and he has yet to see him... What did Yui see in him?

Unknown to the Deputy a figure approaches him from behind.

Back in Shinji's room, he was eating a lot which was a surprise to Ash and Rei since Shinji wasn't much of a big eater.

Shinji: More, please!

Ash: Sure, good thing I packed this extra lunch.

Ash hands Shinji another bento box and the boy quickly starts eating.

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now