Chapter 23: Oh my Glob

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A/N: Author talking

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


(F/c): Favorite color

(E/c): Eye color

(P/c): Power color

(H/c): Hair color

(S/c): Skin color


Suzuhara Residence

-No one's POV-

Shinji and Toji just finished eating and Toji was getting the plates to clean up. It was just them and Toji's grandfather since his dad is at work still while his little sister Sakura is in the hospital.

Toji: Phew! That was some good eats! So Shinji how was it? My curry sauce was pretty good huh?

Shinji: Your damn right it was, I didn't know you could throw down like this? You've been holding out on us?

Toji: *laughs* Nah I just don't say that I know how to cook. I thought it would make me seem unmanly.

Shinji: Toji there's nothing wrong with knowing how to cook, take me for example, you think Asuka and Misato be cooking every day?

Toji: Wait, Misato doesn't cook?

Shinji: Nope, she had nothing but TV dinners in her house before I moved her.

Toji: Wow...and what about Asuka?

Shinji: *takes a sip of water* She's alright in the kitchen but her dishes have a bit too much spice in my opinion.

Toji: Huh so that's what goes on in your household.

Shinji: Yeah... so how's your sister doing? If you don't mind me asking?

Toji: She's not all that good, her injuries are healed but now she needs trauma treatment and I don't know if my pops can cover it...

Shinji: Damn, sorry to hear man. If you need help, I'm sure I can ask Ash and (Y/n) to help you out.

Toji: N-Nah I appreciate the offer, but I got it covered.

Shinji: Huh how?

Toji: I'll tell you in a bit let me just wash these dishes first.

Shinji: Nah let me help you out, it is the least I could do.

Toji and Shinji then took care of the dishes, in silence since Toji was still thinking about being a pilot. In the living room, Toji's grandfather is reading his newspaper and he noticed that Shinji was still there.

Toji's Grandpa: Eh, Shinji won't yer folks worry? Ya shouldn't be out so late without callin' home.

Shinji: I know sir, I'm heading home right after we wash up.

Toji's Grandpa: Alright then son, Toji! You make sure you see him out ya hear?!

Toji: I heard ya, gramps. I will.

Toji's Grandpa: Good, I'll be headin' in for the night. G'night Shinji and thanks for staying for dinner.

Shinji: *smiles* Night sir.

Toji's grandfather heads to his room and leaves the two boys alone to finish up. After they finished the dishes Shinji grabs his stuff and made his way out.

Shinji: Well, I better get home before Misato yells at me.

Toji: Yeah, sorry I kept ya so long.

Shinji: Nah, its all good, I'll see you tomorrow.

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now