Chapter 27: The boys are back in town

507 13 13

A/N: Author Talking/ Powerful entity

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


(F/c): Favorite color

(E/c): Eye color

(P/c): Power color

(H/c): Hair Color

(S/c): Skin color


-No one's POV-

(Y/n): *muffled screaming*DAMN YOU FUTURE!!!!

(Y/n) yelled out cursing his future self. Leaving Kaji confused at the teen's outburst but he ignored it for now since he did just woken up from a comma. 

Kaji: Questions later Kaji, questions later. Uh, anything you want to share about that (Y/n)?

(Y/n): No, Kaji. You probably won't get it. Anyway, when is Dr.Akagi's plan happening?

Kaji: A week from now. Now that you're awake. It's definitely going to work now.

(Y/n): Me? I'm that much of a factor?

Kaji: You are but I can't really explain how, so its best you ask her yourself once you get checked out. Now I should tell Misato and Asuka that you're awake.

(Y/n): Okay and I better prepared myself for the scolding they're going to give me.

Kaji: *smirks* I'm sure it won't be too bad. Misato told me that she's been down since you've been sleeping. The girl really cares about you.

(Y/n) smiles as he imagines Asuka's smile.

(Y/n): I know and the feeling is mutual, I was worried about her as I was dreaming. I hoped that she didn't beat herself up too hard over this... Oh, by the way, I guess Shinji took care of that Angel after it kicked our asses?

Kaji: He did, but... EVA-01 went berserk mid-fight and we had a hard time getting it back in control. I can only guess, that Shinji lost it after seeing your EVAs.

(Y/n): Yeah, that might do it.

A nurse soon walks in to check up on (Y/n).

Nurse: Hello Mr. (L/n), I'm happy to see you're finally awake. I'll be giving you a physical shortly, and then we'll see from there.

(Y/n): Okay.

Nurse: Be right back~

The nurse said leaving the room and letting Kaji say one more thing before he gets back to NERV.

Kaji: Lastly, I have a contact within SEELE saying that there's a pilot being trained at one of the facilities.

(Y/n): How trustworthy is this contact?

Kaji: Not sure, he just got became a contact recently, so I don't know if he's setting me up or legit.

(Y/n): And you're telling me this because you want me and Ash to check it out?

Kaji: Exactly since I can't come back from the dead. Though seeing your condition, I wager it'll be a while until you can check for me.

(Y/n): Yeah...I didn't expect my legs to still be asleep. Anything else?

Kaji: Nope that's about it. Get well soon okay?

(Y/n): Eh, I'll work on it.

Kaji made his way to the door and was about to walk out until he remembered something.

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now