Chapter 19: To the basement!

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A/N: Author talking

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


F/c: Favorite color

E/C: Eye color

P/C: Power color

H/C: Hair color


-(Y/n)'s POV-

It was 7 a.m and I was helping my parents pack all their things into my ship as it was time for them to head back home on Xana. My mom has another mining expedition coming up and my dad has to get his classes ready for after the benchmark test. It's been 10 hours since I last saw Ash but I'm sure he's fine.  

While I was packing I heard my mom talking to Asuka in the background, they seemed to be getting along since I saw them hugging and mom wasn't squeezing her! So I can only guess she's giving her the "You hurt my baby boy I'll grind you into quartz dust." speech to which I saw her nod. They soon let go as I close the door for the storage locker.

(Y/n): There I think we're all packed up.

I see my dad walking out of Misato's condo and walking up to me.

(F/n): Thanks for giving us a ride home son. We appreciate it.

(Y/n): It's no problem Dad it's the least I can do. I can't have my parents pay for a shuttle this far out in the galaxy.

My mom then comes over with her bag.

(M/n): Well son it was good to see where you were staying for this mission, how much longer will you be staying here?

(Y/n): Probably a year or so, I know that we still have a lot of work to do before we leave.

(M/n): So I can send your birthday gift from your father and me here then?

(Y/n): If it's alive or has an expiration date yes but if not then you can send it to the house on Earth-Prime.

(M/n): Got it, *To the pilots and Misato* It was nice to meet you all! Thanks for looking after our boy!

(F/n): Yes, thank you for your hospitality!

(Y/n): I'll be back later guys.

Asuka: Okay have a safe flight!

Shinji: Bye Mr and Mrs. (L/n)!

Rei: Take care.

I nod to my parents and all three of us got on my ship as I did Firefly came to start her up and we flew off to planet Xana which would have taken a 3-week flight without a warp drive but thankfully my ship still has a working warp drive.

I pull the lever that starts up the ship's warp and I entered Xana's coordinates after all of that I pushed the button and we were off back home. I wonder if Ash is okay since I haven't seen nor heard from him yesterday.

Meanwhile with Ash

-Ash's POV-

I was in my Boss's realm explaining how the house he gave us got destroyed and that I'm sorry for letting it happen.

Ash: Again, Original I am so sorry that the house got destroyed I should have taken proper measures. I-

OG Ash: Whoa, whoa 10 calm down. I'm not mad about the house, I'm just glad that you, your mother, (Y/n), and his family are safe. The house can be replaced, you guys can't be.

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now