Part 17- Picking up the Family

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Still Bella's Pov
After I finished my breakfast I went to my room to brushed my teeth and went downstairs and everyone finally arrived and we talked in the living room "soooo Bells Kate wants to take you shopping" Garrett said speaking up fist but I was confused as to why "why" I wined I wanted to be here once the girls and Emmett and Jasper arrive in the evening.

"Because I can bells" Kate said hugging me "ugh fine, only if we can go and try out the new pasta in that restaurant I said earlier, ohh plus we ran out of Oreos so we'll go to the grocery store after" I said giving in which brought their faces into a huge smile "that's it!!!!!! no winning, no arguing, no begging" Irina said shellshocked "if you want I can start arguing?" I told her with a smirk "noooo" everyone yelled and I couldn't help but giggle if you don't know Irina is also like me we are very childish and we have some things in common oh and she's an easy person to talk to also.

"Ok so when are we going Katie" I asked Kate "right now if you don't mind" she said and wow this early they want to take me out of the house but I wasn't going to let it go that easy "ok but in one condition" I said with a smirk and everyone huffed "hey it's nothing bad really" I said defending myself "ok what is it" she said "can we rent a limo for a day and before you say no I have my reason so I'll tell you later on in the day" I asked her nervously "that's it!!!!" Everyone exclaimed "well yea, what do you think I was going to say or ask for" I said questioningly "oh nothing" they said and finally we said our byes and Katie dragged me outside luckily my credit card was in my phone case for emergency purposes of course.

We go into her car which was this pretty white and black Mercedes and once we were driving into the city I just had to begin as always "you know, I know why you are doing this?" I told her and it looked like she freaked out a bit but she then composed herself "what do you mean bells" she said and looked at the road "well I know you are taking me out to "distract" myself so later when we arrive home I am going to get home with a surprise baby shower" I told her and I looked at my phone with a smile "how the hell did you know" she said amazed "well one the pixie sister of mine is coming here today plus it's baby shower day so it's kind of obvious and two I know she must've called them days ago to get things ready since she's the family organizer" I told her smiling.

"You take the fun out of it bells" Kate said with a sad face "hey it ain't my fault" I said and we went on with our day we went to the mall for about an hour, I bought some things and so did Kate we argued a bit about who would pay, we then went to the restaurant I talked about this morning and it was worth it the pasta was so delicious and lastly we went to the grocery store I bought two boxes of Oreos and some other grocery needs and it was almost four so I told Kate to drive to the limo place, we rented a limo and we had a personal chauffeur but we had to leave her car there. We took out all of the groceries and bags into the limo's trunk and finally we got inside "ok so why did you want a limo Bella?" Kate asked.

"Where do you ladies want to go next" the lovely man asked he was in his twenties I think, dark hair, slim, tall and with blue eyes which was strange since he had dark hair "umm can you take us to the airport" I said and checked the time it was 3:50  and he started the drive "why the airport?" Kate asked confused "well Katie, I remember Alice telling me her plane would be arriving at 4 a couple of days ago soooo who's planning on picking them up?" I told her the obvious.

"And no she doesn't know this because I blocked my decisions about it to her so try to not think about it that much" I told her pleading "ok fine" she said and a couple of minutes passed by and we finally arrived so the young man who I think his name is Carlos finally parked in the parking lot. Kate and I got out well Kate got out and Carlos helped me out a bit, I told him to wait here so Katie and I walked closer to the entrance of the airport and I finally saw the girls I think they were looking for a cab or something but the guys weren't there so they must be getting the luggage.

"Hey girls" I said which caught their attention and they ran up to me and Katie and hugged us "Bella, Kate" they all said greeting us "what are you doing here, I thought we were going to meet up at your house Kate" Rose said "well Kate didn't know anything about this until what a couple of minutes ago" I said smiling "I love your dress Bella by the way, but how didn't I see you make that decision or anything related to it" Alice said looking at me up and down "well I hardly thought about because if I was indecisive you would've known either way."

"That's amazing and wow Bella you are so far long already!" all of the girls minus Kate commented "I know right" I said in disbelief  "Bella!!!!!!" I heard two people yell so I looked up and it was my dear brother Emmett and Jasper and they ran up to me and the girls. We hugged but not too tightly "hey guys" I said smiling "we've missed you so so much and congratulations!" they both said "wow you really are far long already bells" Jasper spoke up first "I know right, I can hardly even get up from the couch" I said laughing and everyone joined along.

"Well let's go everyone" I suddenly said and everyone looked at me confused "bells how are we going to fit we're literally 7 people" Rose said the obvious and we began our walk and obviously they could see the limo and finally we approached it "guys welcome to our ride home" I said happily "what, how" they all asked "well in order to take her out of the house she gave us a condition which was rent a limo but only when we were done shopping so yea" Kate said rolling her eyes but I giggled.

"But I didn't see this coming" Alice said confused so I smiled "ha I knew it, well the whole day I tried to not think about it that much hoping Alice wouldn't see" I said and as on cue Carlos came out "hello everyone my name is Carlos and I will be your chauffeur for the day" Carlos said coming up to us "hello Carlos our last destination is back home, I sent you the address already" I told him "ok, shall we go then" He said and opened the door for everyone and he helped me in thankfully "thank you so much Carlos" I said and then Kate went inside and so did the rest of the guys, Carlos finally closed the door and put their suitcases back in the trunk.

The ride home was fun we talked about ourselves, Jasper still was saying his sorry's and I told him it was ok it was just an accident an all but then Alice told Carlos something "umm Hi Carlos do you mind if you could take us to this destination" Alice said and showed him her phone "of course we can" he said and drove us to some delivery place so she got off and went inside and she came out with two boxes "hey Carlos do you mind opening the trunk" pixie said with a smile and he went outside and opened the trunk for her and helped her out and finally we were on our way back home.

He came back, and I forgave himWhere stories live. Discover now