Part 19- Hi my babies?

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Bella's Pov
After Esme's speech I told her that I also count her and the rest as my family after we both pulled out of our hug she strangely pulled out a vintage looking box in front of me "wha-what is this, I thought we finished presents already and thank you everyone for everything but I think me and the girls have enough already" I said and laughed a bit in the end and slightly pushed the box that Esme had in her hands towards her body and away from me "no buts hunny" Esme said as she grabbed my hands and placed the beautiful vintage box in my hands.

"But..." I said protesting and started deciding other ways on how I would return the box until someone interrupted "Bells, No matter how hard or how many plans you come up with, you will keep whatever is inside that box no matter what and there's no no's or buts" my pixie sister of mine said so I huffed in annoyance "go along Bella, there's no escaping this" Esme said with a smile and laughed a bit "ok, ok fine I will, just for you Esme plus pixie here wouldn't let it go I assume" I said looking at everyone and finally I slowly lifted the lid up from the box and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, I even gasped from the shocked state I was in.

There were three beautiful necklaces lined up next to each other, you might be thinking what's so shocking about three simple necklaces well this is the thing in these three necklaces there was only one charm hanging from it and it was none other than the Cullen's crest. I quickly closed it and gave it back "no... no.. I can't.... this .... this isn't right" I said stumbling with my words and crossed my arms around my chest. "What is it" my family the Denali's asked curiously I was about to say but I got cut in "oh it's just 3 Cullen's crest necklaces, which Bella here is overreacting" Alice said rolling her eyes proudly.

In response the Denali's gasped in shock as well "one is for you dear and the other two is for the girls" Esme said giving me a warm smile and grabbed my hands and put the box right on my hands again "thank you but no thank you, I really loved the speech Esme really but I can't it just feels wrong I guess" I said truthfully because Carlisle and Edward aren't here plus it would feel right if it were Carlisle giving it to me since it's his family crest. "Why does it feel wrong" Rose asked curiously and everyone nodded in agreement except pixie.

"Well our dear sister here feels like it's wrong because it wasn't Carlisle who gave it to her since it's his family crest and well he doesn't know about this so bells here thinks it's not correct" Alice said telling everyone and I nodded yes "oh but dear it's ok Carlisle actually went to get your necklace done years ago when you were with us the first couple of months and well I told Alice to go get two more necklaces done for the girls" Esme said looking me in the eyes with a smile so I smiled at her "ok then, thank you guys" I said and went to hug Esme but meanwhile in our hug I got shot with pain "owwwwww" I said "oh my god, what's wrong, did I hurt you" everyone asked and Esme asked if she hurt me but it wasn't her.

"No, Esme you didn't hurt me, they......are..... thirsty" I said in between breathes "when was the last time you drank blood Bella?" My family asked well the Denali's said in unison wow having two family's here is quite weird how am I suppose to address them now "yesterday, cuz Katie took me shopping for the whole day and she dragged me out of the house" I said rushed and without a second thought Garrett ran out of the living room and he brought me my water bottle with a straw and he tried to soothe me down in his arms. "Oh my god thank you Gary" I said as I was halfway down finishing it and I laid in his arms while drinking. "Ok now I'm better but they want Oreos" I said giggling and next thing I knew Kate ran upstairs to my shopping bags and grabbed my Oreos since we bought more at the store.

She ran back down and gave them to Garrett "thanks Katie" I said happily "yea no problem bells" Kate said back with a smile "wait, what" both Emmett and Jasper said confused "here to answer your confusion I haven't drank blood so the girls were acting up like last time so Gary here gave me some but strangely when I finish drinking blood they get hungry but they tell me what they want but most of the time after blood they want Oreos" I calmly said eating my Oreos "what do you mean they tell you" everyone asked "I don't know but every since I hear two cute girly voices, I thought it was my imagination but I guess it wasn't" I told everyone giving my explanation "sort of like a mind link" Jasper spoke up but then I heard the girls again which shocked me with what they said.

"Wowwww" I suddenly said and everyone asked what?? "Well they talked again but they were talking about pixie here" I said pointing to Alice and giggled "OH MY GOD, WHAT DID THEY SAY, I DIDN'T SEE THIS" Alice said super excited "well they said and I quote "mommy was right aunty Alice really is like a fairy so tiny almost pixie like" and then they started giggling but I mean they aren't wrong pixie" I said telling everyone mainly Alice.

"Wow, Bella has always made fun of me because of my shortness, and now I'm going to have to deal with her and the girls talking about my shortness," Alice said a bit sad "I mean they aren't wrong Alice" Rose added we all couldn't help by laugh at the scene before us.

After that I moved a bit to the side and started cuddling with Gary and ate more Oreos which shocked the Cullen's a bit but my family was unfazed especially since Kate didn't react protectively or that she wasn't jealous or anything so my family was a bit confused.

After everyone sat on the couch we all began talking well minus me I was listening to everyone meanwhile eating my Oreos until Gary leaned down to my ear and said "Hey bells it's time to sleep" Gary whispered in my ear and indeed it was is was getting really late, the sky was dark and everything.

"Ok fine, well everyone good night" I said and sat up way to quick and that's when I got a pain on my stomach and back "owww" I said in pain but then I heard two voices in my mind well head "oh I'm so sorry mommy" they both said "it's ok sweeties, I'm fine" I told them smiling and rubbed my stomach in a soothing way.

"What's wrong bells are you ok" everyone asked worriedly "yea I just got up to fast" I said calmly "ok but why did you say it's ok sweeties, I'm fine" Jasper asked curiously "well um the girls told me they were sorry so I said it's ok and that I am fine" I told them truthfully.

Everyone was shocked because how was this possible, how am I talking to my babies well to be honest I also have no idea "technically you're talking to the girls like via mind link meaning you have a special bond with your kids and that you can only talk to them through your mind and nobody can like intervene" Jasper said which actually makes sense I suppose.

"I mean that does make sense ohh let me try" I said excitedly and started saying in our "mind link" "hi my baby girls, how are you doing, it's me mommy" I said well thought and smiled happily but unexpectedly I heard my girls talk back which shocked me the most "oh my god they did, they talked back to me" I said surprised but happy.

"I asked them how they were and everything and they said hi mommy we are fine and I can't wait to meet you and the family" I said in between of my huge smile, wow everyone said in surprise "it's strange how they're so young and they can talk properly" Irina said shocked and everyone nodded.

"Well guys sorry to say this but... it's getting super late and this person right here needs some sleep" I said trying to get up but sadly I failed so I slumped down in my seat and huffed in annoyance and everyone laughed so I tried getting up again but this time both Emmett and Jasper came to my aid, each one of them grabbed one of my hand and pulled me up carefully.

"Well thank you, finally someone around here is finally helping!!!" I said a bit annoyed and laughed a bit "well your welcome bells" both of the guys said laughing "I mean it thanks Em and Jazz" I said thankful "well time to go to sleep bells" Gary said and grabbed my waist, I smiled up at him and we walked up the stairs and let's just say the girls (the Cullen's) were pretty shocked when Garrett grabbed my waist since Kate didn't do anything again.

"Well good night everyone and thank you for everything and I will see you all tomorrow" I said smiling as I faced them at the top of the stairs.

He came back, and I forgave himWhere stories live. Discover now