Part 4-Plan ride & discussion

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Back to the Cullen's point of view
Alice's Pov
"Girls it's time to leave or else we're going to be late" I half yelled and Esme and Rose came down but instead just the girls the boys also came down to say their goodbyes.

"Jazz imma miss you so much, don't have to much fun without me" I told him with a smirk and kissed him and the girls kissed their husbands as well.

"So how long are you and the girls going to be gone for" Edward asked since he can't read my mind, I'm blocking my thoughts by singing or thinking random things but I was thinking the other day I would tell the girls on the plane ride where we are going and the whole Bella thing I'm so happy right now especially since I'm going to be an aunty and Rose and Esme will be excited as well.

"Hun why are you so happy" Jasper asked but I was really cautious about my thoughts from Edward since he was down here with the rest of us. "Oh nothing jazz, just a little happy to reunite with one of my old friends" I told him truthfully then we all said our goodbyes. We finally arrived at the airport and did the daily routine of airport procedures and finally the girls and I got escorted to our private plane and well here we are and I'm about to tell the girls about what's going to happen since Edward can't read my mind this far.

"Ok girls so tomorrow we are going to the mall and I don't know if you noticed yet where we are going but surprise surprise we are going to Alaska" I said super happy meanwhile Esme and Rose had shock written all over their face even though I know deep down there happy that we are going to Alaska to see our cousins the Denali but they are also sad because they miss Bella our sister, Esme loved Bella like a daughter, she's part of our family no matter what.

"So are we going to stay with the Denali's" Esme asked questioningly, "yes but no" I said and Rose got a little mad because I didn't want to get to the point "what do you mean" Rose whisper yelled "well it has to do with Bella" I told them nervously. "Wait what, where is she? is she ok?" Rose asked getting her hopes up "oh my god Bella my daughter" Esme said starting to sob happy tears even though they would never fall.

"Ok calm down, calm down yes I know where she is but I don't think she's ok well I know she's not doing so great but I believe months later she won't be ok" I whispered back because of the humans obviously but the truth is I don't know what will happen in her pregnancy plus I've never heard any cases about a human having a vampire baby in the womb so I don't know if she'll make it after birth but if she doesn't I want the Denali's to change her so she can be with her kids since they are half human and half vampire she's going to need to be there for her and her baby or babies.

So she can be with them for eternity and if the Denali's say no well I will change my sister myself and I don't care if she'll be mad at me or Edward or anybody I just want her to be back with us. I know she doesn't want to see any of us well the other day I saw she would want to see the rest of us except Edward of course and I respect that but I just had a vision of us bumping into each other at the mall so I guess it's going to be ok.

"Wait what do you mean she won't be ok in a couple of months later" Esme and Rose said starting to worry. "Well Rose remember I yelled throughout the house if Edward had sex with Bella and he said no but Jasper said he was lying" I said happy remembering how it went down, "yea, why" Rose asked but I think she finally went into realization "it... it... it can't be" Rose said with total shock "well dear mother and sister, Bella is pregnant" I told them super happy but also worried to what will happen to her when she gives birth.

"Oh my god, poor Bella she must be having it hard, all alone" Esme said starting to sob but stopped suddenly "wait but how can Edward be the father" Esme asked questioningly but I think I have an idea "as we know female vampire's can't get pregnant but what if.... what if male vampire's can still reproduce, I mean I've seen Bella throughout visions and she hasn't slept with anyone, actually she just found out three days ago well the night Edward told her he didn't love her then the next morning she found out she was having morning sickness but then she felt a kick in her stomach but she was being cautious to where she was going to go because she's always changing her plans" I told my mom and Rose everything well what I know so far except that she is staying with the Denali's.

"Wait so why are we in Alaska" Rose asked more confused then ever "well dear sister and mother I had a vision that when we go to the mall we bump into the Denali's and then Bella comes up out of nowhere and boom we meet" I told them excited to go shopping so I can finally see my sister "wait so what are you saying" Esme and Rose said ugh why can't they take the hint already "family Bella went for help but she traveled to Alaska to find our cousins the Denali and they took her in as family and they are willing to help Bella throughout the pregnancy but I can't see her future due to her pregnancy which I'm sad about but happy I want to see her again"  I said in a rush.

"Oh my god that's amazing but will she forgive us for leaving her" Esme asked worried and so did Rose, even though Rose wasn't easy on her since she was rude to her but it was because she was jealous but we get it we didn't choose this life and I believe Bella understands why Rose was so tough on her, rose really wanted to have kids but now she can't because well ya know we're vampires.

Hope you guys liked it sorry if it was too long I just got over excited to finish this part for the book he came back, and I forgave him . More parts coming along the way just be patient please. Thank you for reading and check my profile for more books.

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