Part 12-Facetime call with Bells

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Alice's Pov
Just waiting for Bella to answer my facetime call, I don't think she must be sleeping but we'll wait for a little longer.

Italic (Alice) Bold (Bella) (Rosalie is Italic as well but Imma put rose or Rosalie said)

Bella-Oh my god hey, sorry I couldn't answer I was with Kate upstairs and I forgot my phone in the kitchen

Alice-hey bells, it's alright clearly you can see we're back we just landed a few minutes ago

Rose-hey bells, how you doin without us and our hyper energy (Rose said with a smile on her face)

Bella-Hahaha I'm doing great thanks, oh and guess what girls

Both Alice and Rose-What!!!! we both said excited

Bella-The baby's kicked a few minutes ago (Bella said super happy and excited)

Rose-Bella guess what Alice found out (Rose told her excited of course she couldn't wait but I'm planning to tell Bella what she's expecting as a surprise when we go back to visit her)

Alice-well... I know what you're going to have but It's going to be a surprise I will tell you and the Denali's when we go and visit you when you're 4 months pregnant because I'm making a baby showerrrrrr!!!!! (I said super happy and Rose was happy as well even though she was shocked as to what I just said because she didn't know anything about it until now)

Bella-oh my god really, I can't wait can you please at least tell me a hint please (Bella begged and as soon as they heard this the Denali's came down where Bella was)

Hi Alice and Rose everyone said and we both said hi back

Irina-so I heard you know what dear Bella is expecting right???(Irina asked with a smirk)

Alice- Well yes but I will announce it to the rest of you when Bella is four months pregnant because I will be making a baby shower at the house well wherever you guys are at

Bella-Can you at least give us a hint (Bella pleaded)

Both Alice and Rose- ok soo... The baby is the same gender (we both squealed at the same time)

Bella-Oh my god really hmmm that's interesting

Alice-Yup so that's that and don't even think about it further Bella cause I will be watching you (I told her because I can tell she's trying to discover what it is especially from mine and Rose's reaction)

Alice-ok um Bella we need to talk to you about not telling the others right

Bella-oh yea, also where's Esme??

Rose-Esme is with Carlisle (Rose said and the Denali's said their goodbye's and went to do whatever they were doing before)

Bella-ok that's good and what about telling the others

Alice-I'm so sorry Bella, But first we well me and the girls, we are going to need a plan as to why we are leaving out of the country without the guys and Jasper caught on my lying when we got "home" so it was going to be tough and well we had no choice but to tell him and then I got a vision about the baby shower and me, Esme, Rose, Jasper, and Emmett we were there with you and the Denali's (I said all in one breath, so I gave her a moment to digest the situation)

Rose-We're so sorry Bella but it would give us an excuse to visit you and with the guys by our side it's perfect but Alice checked the future before telling Jasper and Emmett about you and the secret is hidden Carlisle and Edward won't know anything about it (Rose continued my rant)

Alice-Until in a couple of centuries we bump into each other and Carlisle and Edward find out but you decided it was time to tell them and in that moment the g- I mean the twins came downstairs with us (I told Bella and sadly she caught on my mistake I almost told her the gender and she was thinking about it rather to long to my liking)

Umm ok Bella said with a smirk and continued

Bella-It's ok Alice, I miss them too and I'm ok with it there like brothers to me

Alice and Rose- So is it ok if we told them?

Bella-haha of course can't wait to see you guys when I'm four months pregnant (Bella laughed and I can't believe it she's taking it pretty well).

Bella-Oh and one last thing (Bella said and what she said next was unexpecting)

Bella-Alice please tell Jasper to not blame himself because of my 18th Birthday, I forgive him, after all it was just an accident (I looked to my right and I looked at Jasper and he was shocked but grateful)

Bella-ok but before I go to sleep, I just wanted to say bye Rose, bye pixie, and also tell Esme I said bye and lastly tell Emmett and Jasper there I said bye and that next time they should at least say hi (Bella said laughing)

what, how'd you know !!!! both Emmett and jasper said coming up to the facetime screen

Bella-well firstly hey guys and second I'm not dumb the girls just got there and they told you about me once they got there so it was pretty obvious and when I told pixie to tell you Jasper that I forgive you about my Birthday she looked to her right so it was pretty obvious guys, yes I'm human but that doesn't mean I'm an imbecile for god sakes (Bella said and we all laughed).

Emmett and Jasper-We miss you so much sis and congratulations!!!

We're going to be Uncles yessss!! both Emmett and Jasper said and me, Bella and Rose just laughed at their excitement

Bella-Ok , I'm going to go but before Jasper yes I forgive you so please let it go I know your still thinking about it and  Emmett I miss your funny pranks but guess what you can't do anything to me since I'm pregnant so ha (Bella said happily)

Jasper-Thank you so much Bella, yea I will let it go well for now until we meet in person

Emmett-Oh Bells just cause your pregnant doesn't mean we can't pull pranks on the others (Emmett said with a smirk on his face trying to give Bella an idea)

Bella-Trueee, Emmett I just have the right person *Cough* Kate *cough*  (Bella said fake coughing and we all laughed)

I heard that!- Kate yelled from the stairs

Bella-Well watch your back my dear sister when Emmett comes to visit (and we all just laughed, I missed this so much, I hated seeing Bella all so sad, and depressed and now she's finally getting better she's eating, having fun just like before.)

Alice-Ok well Bella we are going to leave you so you can rest, and we promise we won't tell anyone about this and I will check on you and the future

Bella-Oh of course see you guys later, oh and Alice give the guys my phone number if they want to talk some time, I bought a new phone so I got another number

Alice-ok will do Bells text you tomorrow (and we all said our bye's and hanged up).

what did yall think about this I know this whole chapter/part is about the facetime call but hey I think it was great, I will be posting the next part in the evening or in a day or so. See you guys til then.

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