Part 10-Plan ride back "home"

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Still Alice's POV
"Ok that's fine by me as long as I get more time to be with Bella and my niece or nephew I don't care" Rose said proud "I'm in, we just need to find a good reason to tell our husbands as to why we are leaving out of state so much without them" Esme said and she was right, what are we suppose to tell them but for the meantime we are not going to think about that.

"ok so that's done well for right now but..." Esme said "what is Bella expecting!!!!!!!"  the girls squealed together and I bet I would be too if I didn't have visions an all. "Ok sooooo girls Bella is expecting two baby girls!!" I said super happy about the news ohh the shopping we would have.

"Girls imagine all the shopping trips we would have" I told them squealing and just in that moment the airplane lady announced that we just landed.

"Ok so girls try not to think about it and yes I know it will be hard especially from me who is constantly getting visions about us and Bella's future intertwining with each other constantly but please I beg of you and for Bella's sake" I told the girls because Bella really needs some time about what Edward told her was messed up and now she's expecting twins all she needs is just time to sort things for the meantime me and the girls are going to be by her side no matter what.

"Of course, we will try our best" Rose said and nodded in agreement " Of course, we will try our best, she has been through enough these couple of weeks, she deserves to at least choose what she's going to do with her life." Esme my approving mother told both of us. From this moment we started to talk and think about different things since we were starting to approach the luggage pickup in the airport and the guys surely are waiting for us outside.

Two minutes later we got our suitcases and finally we met up with our husbands. "Jazz" I said excited and I ran up to him in human pace of course and hugged him and we shared a kiss and the girls did the same to their husbands and all we heard was Edward clearing his throat awkwardly.

"So how was your girls one month shopping vacation?" Edward asked being nosy of course "well we had a great time, we got reunited with my friend she's like a sister to me really, we looked at new fashion trends along the way" I said super enthusiastic "well what matters is that you girls had a splendid time" Carlisle told all of us, well me and the girls specifically.

"we did honey, the trip did us some good and we got to clear our heads for the moment"  Esme said and it was true the trip did help us especially when we saw Bella once again and then I thought about her and the twins but obviously while I was thinking about them I was singing reckin ball in my head.

"Honey why are you so happy out of the sudden" my dear husband asked confused "well I was just thinking about you and I missed you so much jazz" I told him and I knew he would be caught of guard since I lied in the first part of my sentence because I wasn't thinking about him which is bad an all but I have to be fair to Bella's word.

"Ok so now it's time to go back to the house" I told everyone and we headed to the cars well me, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie went in the jeep meanwhile Esme, Carlisle and Edward went in Carlisle's Mercedes. While on our drive to the house I texted Edward if they could get to the house first because I need to talk to Jasper turns out my visions changed well Jasper caught on first so I had no other choice than telling him the truth just as well as Emmett so I checked the conversation and the future and everything was great so I turned to Rose and I mouthed her "I'm going to tell them" gladly Emmett wasn't looking our way.

"umm Jasper can you take us to the park please, I had a vision we were there and we were just talking and I also saw Carlisle and Esme take a walk in the woods so yea." I told Jasper and I knew we weren't that far away so the rest of the family heard me and Jasper changed our course and in a few minutes we got to the park and since everyone had food with them all four of us had ice-cream but in order to take appearance I licked the ice-cream and it felt weird but hey gotta do this.

"ok so if you wanted to talk to Jasper, why am I and Rosie here" Emmett asked confused but he'll know in a minute "Ok so Jazz, I know you caught me lying sadly because of your gift this is going to be hard and tough for me and the girls." I said "We just have some news to tell you guys, but you can't think or tell Carlisle and Edward anything about this" Rose continued and both of our husbands nodded ok.

So here it goes hopefully everything goes great just like Bella planned but look at it this way Emmett and Jasper can see Bella once again and meet their nieces for once, oh god this year is going to get better and better if according to plan.

He came back, and I forgave himWhere stories live. Discover now