Part 18- Baby Shower!!!! & Speeches

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Bella's Pov
Well so far everything's good we are catching up and everything, we are almost home "hey guys! oh my god how on earth did you deal with her?? I mean she's a handful" Kate suddenly said so I gave her a huge smile. "What do you mean Kate?" Esme asked "you should've seen the whole ass argument we had with her in the morning" Kate said.

"Well it ain't my fault Katie" I said rolling my eyes "why, what happened???" Everyone said intrigued so Kate here told everyone what happened this morning about our breakfast discussion and everything "damn she really got her way through that" both Emmett and Jasper said "what can I say Gary loves me Katie" I told her with a smirk "yea only because you have him wrapped around your finger missy" Kate said in a duh tone which made us laugh.

"And it's mostly every time whenever she doesn't get her way she goes to Garrett and gives him these puppy eyes and if it doesn't work she starts crying and she gets her way through him but once he's gone she just gives the rest of us a big huge smile and wipes away her tears happily" Kate said a bit annoyed "well I got my ways, what can I say" I told them and we just laughed.

We finally arrived, everyone got off, I needed some help to get out so Carlos wanted to help me out but Emmett and Jasper helped me out, we then went to the trunk to go get our things, I got my shopping bags but Kate wanted to help so I let her and then once I turned my back and finally turned to the girls and oddly they were already dressed up I mean wearing dresses an all and the guys well they were wearing also semi fancy attire like nice shorts followed along with a cute clean shirt.

"What the" I said "what, we gotta look on point" Alice said with a smile she was wearing a short black knee length dress, Rose was wearing a cute subtle red knee length dress and Esme she was wearing a cute some what dark emerald green knee length dress, Emmett he was wearing black shorts and for his shirt it was the same color of Roses dress a subtle red v neck shirt, and for Jasper he was wearing kaki colored shorts and for his shirt he was wearing a black v neck shirt that also matches with Alices.

"Well you all look nice" I told them sincerely and once we entered the house I was greeted by lots of surprises and welcomes and it's time to party from most people, and wow the house was so beautiful I mean they redecorated like there was cute ballon arches in different shades of blue, a ballon arch with beautiful purples, pinks and lilacs it matched perfectly.

There were a lot of cute streamers up, blue and pink since it's a baby shower, there was a side table full of food and some dessert also, there were some activities that looked kinda fun so I'm planning on recording obviously "awww thank you guys, it's beautiful" I said happily and I told Carlos he can go and I gave him a tip and finally we started the party.

Not gonna lie the activities were pretty funny especially when the guys had to chug baby bottles with some juice it was pretty funny, we danced around a lot and did many activities there usually is in baby showers we did it all and it was fun, we ate well I ate since I was the only who can, we took so many pictures together and obviously I took videos except when we were dancing I think pixie did though but I'm going to keep all of the pictures and videos for memories.

Finally it is the gender reveal which I got excited pretty fast if you tell me "guys it's time for the reveal!!" Alice announced excitedly and brought out a cake and a dozen cupcakes "oh my god Oreos!!!!!" I yelled happily and everyone laughed at my enthusiasm.

Alice bought red velvet cupcakes with Oreo crumbles and with a whole Oreo on top the frosting it looks so good plus did I mention I LOVE OREOS!!!! And lastly it was the gender revel cake there were two baby models one boy and one girl and in the middle of the cake their was a big red question mark and by the looks of it, pixie and the rest of the guys were recording "so Bella the inside of the cake can either be blue or pink indicating what you are going to have, but since you are having twins and they are in the same gender the color implies to both of the babies" Alice said as she went to other end of the table to get a better camera angle to see my reaction and the rest I'm assuming.

"Well let's do this!" I said excited and Irina passed me a knife to begin cutting the cake and once I finished I lifted the cake piece up to show everyone and I was right "oh my god.... I'm having two baby girls" I said smiling hugely "well congrats sis" Alice said and everyone congratulated me excitedly.

Everyone gave me a hug and surprisingly so did Jasper so I hugged him back smiling we continued our party, I opened the presents which were baby clothes, toys, diapers, formulas and even money and some things were also for me like some jewelry, outfits, and even money. I will be completely honest I was hesitant about the money at first but I gave in since I know I'm not going to get away from Alice.

While I was opening presents everyone was taking pictures and having fun but of course so was I especially with my red velvet Oreo cupcakes "you know I had suspicions that I was going to be having girls Alice" I suddenly said and sat right next to pixie in the living room where everyone was "how" everyone asked.

"Well.... the day the girls went back to the guys they face timed me that they arrived and that's when Alice went into a vision about me and the girls" I said leaving them into suspense ".....and....." they all exclaimed "and pixie here said my babies are going to be the same gender rather to excitedly if I may point out" I said smiling "if she was too excited that meant one thing more girls equals more shopping" I said with a laugh.

"I mean you aren't wrong bells" Pixie said defending herself after that we talked some more, I got out of my dress and changed into some pajamas since it was late. I came downstairs and I talked to my family some more and it was probably almost 12 in the night.

"Thank you so much everyone for everything and the gifts" I said sincerely to everyone "your welcome bells" they all said united with a smile on their faces and Esme came next to me and sat down by my side and that's when the babies started to kick.

"Woah there" I suddenly said and touched my stomach which alerted everyone "what's wrong, are you ok" everyone asked concerned "well of course I am, my princesses here are just kicking" I said pointing down to my stomach "awww dear that's amazing, may I?" Esme question so I smiled at her and grabbed her hand and placed it on my stomach.

"Awww honey this is wonderful, it's the best moments you can always cherish" Esme said looking at me and kissed my forehead "ok I know everyone here is eager so If you want to feel come and put your hands on my stomach" I said giggling which I was right Alice and Rose came and touched my stomach Rose was smiling up at me and then the guys touched my stomach and so on, we were all happy so Esme decided to speak up first.

After our moment Esme then fake coughed to catch our attention and Alice smiled way to much for whatever is about to happen "Bella dear, since the moment we met you I could tell this family was going to change because of you, you brought light to our lives without even knowing it, we are a family because of you and we all count you as one of our own, we all love you so deeply and I couldn't be happier to call you as a daughter the girls couldn't be happier to call you as a sister and the guys well they love you just like a younger sister, we will always be there for you when you need us the most, we will always protect you because you have become family ever since you stepped a foot into our house, and just like that you became our family, like we always say..... always and forever " Esme said meanwhile having a hold onto my hands and telling me this ever so sincerely.

"Awww Esme I also love you guys, you guys have become a family to me just like the Denali's we may have gone through bumps throughout this but I couldn't be happier and Esme don't you see I'm pregnant meaning my emotions are haywire right now so I'm going to cry because of your sudden speech" I said hugging Esme and wiping my tears away because her speech hit hard, I'm part of their family and I also count them as my family no matter what we have been through.

After we finished our hug Esme brought out a vintage old box.....

What's in the box???
I hope you guys liked it, I really loved Esme's speech the most!

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