Part 5- News

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Alice's Pov
After I finished telling Esme and Rose everything they got excited to see our family and especially Bella but right now Esme is reading one of her romance books, Rose is looking at a magazine about cars meanwhile I'm here reading a magazine about fashion and the plane is about to land in a few minutes, but then I got pulled into a vision.

~~~~~ Vision~~~~~

"If I don't make it guys, I want to ask for a favor" Bella sadly asked "Of course anything dear," Carmen told her with a genuine smile.

"Well if I don't make it, I would love it if you guys could call Rosalie Cullen and tell her if she could take care of my baby after me and love them as much as if it were her own" Bella said meanwhile she was fidgeting with her fingers.

"Of course, but let's not think about that for now" Carmen said, I also had a vision a couple days ago that when Bella gives birth they are planning to change her because they practically see Bella as family.

~~~~ End of Vision~~~~

"What happened?" Rose and Esme asked worried but I just smiled at them I couldn't believe what I just saw Bella loves us I can't believe it I saw her tell the Denali's if she doesn't make it to call Rose so she can take care of her baby.

"I just had a vision of Bella and Rose she forgives you for everything you have done" I told her happily "What do you mean she forgives me for everything" Rose asked hopeful "well when you were being tough and rude to her about becoming a vampire and such" I continued "how could she forgive me for that" Rose asked starting to tear up "well Rose my vision was about Bella telling the Denali's if she doesn't make it, to call you so you can take care of her baby after her and love it so much as if it were your own" I told Rose and Esme about my vision but it really hit hard on Rose because she starting crying a lot even though the tears would never fall. "Bu...but how... cou.... could.. she forgive me because of that" Rose stuttered between her sobs and Esme was there comforting her through the process.

"Well that's what I saw sis, I believe she realized that you were just jealous of her because she's mortal and your immortal and she knew you always wanted to have kids but since you can't cause your a vampire" I told Rose and then the lady announced that the plane has just landed, we got our stuff and finally arrived to our house in Alaska.

"Well Esme since we're going to be staying for a few months I choose your car so your car will be arriving probably at 2 pm since right now it's 1 o clock "ok honey" Esme said with a smile.

Back to the Denali's

Bella's Pov
"Hey, Bellaaaaa" one of my sisters yelled "yes Irinaaaaa" I said back knowing she's going to be asking me something that I might not like, but telling the truth I've been thinking about the Cullens and I miss them. Yes, it was rude for them to leave and all but they did it to protect me so I forgive all of them but it might take some time for Edward cuz he was the one who told me he didn't love me and it hurt he told me he played me as a toy and such and those words hurt and I know he didn't mean it in the end.

I hope one day I get to see my trouble of a sister, ohhhh pixie I miss your little annoying ass, and my dear mother Esme I miss her the most she's been there for me like a mother and we've had fun together and Rose I really miss her too even though she was tough and rude to me I know why it's because I told them I wanted to be a vampire so I can be with Edward and Rose didn't like it since she never wanted this life to begin with but I still like her and I count her as my other sister as well no matter what.

"Sooo we're going shopping today" Irina told me ugh I hate shopping but I also need to go since my clothes won't start fitting me anymore "yea ok, my clothes won't be fitting me anymore so sure and also what do you mean by we" I said back a bit more confused.

He came back, and I forgave himWhere stories live. Discover now