Part 2-Plans

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Cullen's point of view
Edward's POV
My Bella, my dear Bella I miss her so much even though you might be thinking why would I even miss her if I told her I didn't love her, well the truth is I lied to her, to protect her from the supernatural world even though I had to lie to the love of my life but I'm still really sad my family and I moved countries currently we're in Brazil.

Everyone in my family doesn't act the same I've been in my room depressed Carlisle works more at the hospital, Esme stopped gardening, Alice stopped shopping and now she's wearing baggy clothing, Jasper constantly has to go outside and leave the house of the constant sad emotions he is feeling from all of us and he also blames himself for us leaving Bella because of her birthday incident, Emmett doesn't joke around anymore nor plays his video games anymore, Rosalie surprisingly is also sad and misses Bella she regrets being mean to her and she doesn't tweak up her cars anymore or anyone's in general.

Alice's Pov
I miss my dear sister Bella so much but Edward's stubborn ass thinks it's better if we leave Bella because it's for her "own good" but I don't think so he'll just be far away from his mate, he's just hurting just as well as the family. This family isn't how it was before we met Bella I've been trying to see her future but all I see is her crying in her room and also when Edward left her in the woods but so far I see her changing her plan or decision on where she is going I'm guessing so I wouldn't know and especially for Edward not to know where's she is going but I feel like there's something else but I don't know I can't see it but for now I'm blocking my thoughts from Edward just in case I get a vision about Bella but I have a weird feeling I just can't quit tell what it is.

Currently I'm going downstairs to be with Rose and Esme "hey girl-" I was about to say when I got into another vision.

The vision I had was about Bella but she was in her room and she was shocked and then it changed to her feeling her stomach and felt something and was even more shocked and started to cry and that was the end of the vision.

"Son of a bitch" I said out loud "what is it?" everyone asked worried and I blocked my vision quickly from Edward but if I'm correct Bella my dear sister might be pregnant "oh nothing, it was about these new collections coming in from fashion nova" I told everyone but if Bella is actually pregnant with Edward's baby I need to get to the bottom of this. "Hey Edward I recall one day Bella told me what you and she did the other day was it true" I asked Edward yelling "umm what are you talking about, and why are you blocking your thoughts" he yelled back "well I'm blocking you cause I can, and damn I'm asking because I can so did you guys have sex or not" I yelled back angry and of course he yelled back at me saying "um no we didn't" he yelled back "hun he's lying I can feel his emotions" my amazing husband said "thanks Jaz" I yelled back "so what were you gonna tell us" Rose and Esme said but as on cue I got pulled into another vision.

For some reason the vision I got was from me, Rose and Esme and we were at the mall but the people around us had winter clothing so that meant we might be in Alaska because we then bumped into our Denali cousins and then we shopped together and finally bumped into Bella but she had a little bump on her stomach but the weird thing was that the guys weren't with us, then the vision ended.

"So girls good news we are going shopping but to another country" I said and Carlisle finally got home and I got sucked into another vision which was about me and the girls we would be staying in Alaska for a couple of months. "ok so the plan changed" I said and they both said what is it "well we aren't just shopping to another country we're actually going to stay in another country for a couple of months but the thing is the boys aren't coming I've seen it" I told the girls and they were alright with that "so when are you girls thinking about coming back" the guys asked well except Edward.

"Well we'll video chat, FaceTime, text or call while we are over there we'll call you guys once we are coming back and I see us girls in the future shopping to other countries but by ourselves without the guys but it'll be ok" I told everyone "ok so when are you guys planning on leaving to who knows where with our mates" Carlisle asked "Umm I would say in two days" and everyone agreed and we continued what we did but I think it would be a great thing to distract ourselves.

Back to Bella's Pov
Currently my bag is packed and I just wrote a note for my dad saying that I'm sorry for everything and that I will need some space but I love him with all of my heart and I also wrote a letter to my mom also basically saying the same thing and finally left to go to the airport.

Two hours later I finally arrived to Alaska and as always I'm being cautious to my decisions because I don't want Alice to know and while I was one the plane I started to think Edward does love me he just really doesn't want me to get hurt or him hurting me. I feel like he lied to me just to keep me safe I know how stubborn he is so I think I will forgive him and his family but I don't think I'm ready to see them again anytime soon nonetheless tell them I'm pregnant.

I know pixie being pixie will want to be there for me just as well for Rose and Esme and I forgive Rose I know she's been mean to me but I know deep down she loves me and that she's just a little jealous because her dream was to have a baby but I know the girls would love to be with me right now and discuss shopping like always and I wouldn't mind it because I also miss them.

Hey guys I hope you liked it so far, sorry if it was a little bit to long, vote and comment for more

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