Part 1- He left & news

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Disclaimer- I do not own any Stephenie Meyers characters or her story plot, I just own my Story ideas and that's all or any new characters.

Bella's POV
He left...... how could he, He told me he loved me many times and I believed him because I too was in love with him, I guess he was just messing with me all along, I started to think maybe he used me as a toy or some of his conquests but I'm hurt.

He left me saying he doesn't love me anymore, that we don't belong with one another and it was true he was different, after all we are from different worlds but I didn't care, I loved him and I would do anything for him and his family but it still doesn't change the fact that he left me in the middle of the woods........the freakin woods.

He just left me here in the woods in the middle of nowhere, where we had our "talk" he then left me here just like that, I tried to run after him but I was too slow since he's inhumanly fast I wasn't able to keep up with him but I still tried going after him but I tripped and fell. I'm completely lost it's dark outside and I have been walking for hours probably and I still can't find a way out of here.

It was getting darker and darker by the minute then it finally hit me. He actually left me for good and that's when my emotions finally took over.

Oh my god I just realized something... I forgot to introduce myself and what has happened so far in my life so here we go.

Hello my name is Isabella Marie Swan but I go by Bella and this is my story about how I fell in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen, you must be thinking I'm crazy but it's the truth he's a vampire and he lives with his clan called the Cullens insisting the parents Carlisle and Esme Cullen, down to Emmett and Rosalie Cullen, Jasper and Alice Cullen and finally Edward well me and Edward we've been dating for a couple of months until he left and dumped me in the middle of the woods and left with his family to who knows where.

Yes it was a little tough being around them well them around me for example my birthday but you might know the story already so imma speed things up so weeks later for my birthday.

Edward, he took me for a walk in the woods and told me he never loved me and such and then all I remember is being carried back to my house and it was Paul from la push and Charlie had a search party for me since my father Charlie is chief of police he was really worried about me, weeks has passed by since that incident and let me say I haven't been feeling pretty well I've been having morning sickness, nausea, dizziness and such.

Until I counted my days and I was late... Edward and I have rules well had when we started dating and we promised no sex and it really didn't matter to me, we went slow until one day we were on a full make out and it ended up in us well having sex so I counted my days of my period and concluded that I might be pregnant until one afternoon I felt something move in my stomach and I was shocked and then I touched my stomach and there was a kick and I was way more shocked and started crying so yea that sums it up for now.

Right now I'm in my room on the top floor and I'm packing my bag but being very cautious I don't want any of the Cullens to know where I am well for now and since Alice can see the future I've been changing my plan multiple times but I decided I want to keep my baby a secret and I'm planning to leave my dad and go to Alaska because since I'm having a half human and half vampire child.

If I really am pregnant I don't know how to explain to human doctors about my baby nonetheless I don't know if I'll survive after the birth so I'm planning to go to Alaska for some help and that is the Cullens "cousins" the Denali and they are also vegetarians and I hope they will accept my visit and help me with my pregnancy but for now I will be changing my mind on and off so the Cullens don't find out about my pregnancy, I just want some time for myself and space from them for the moment.

He came back, and I forgave himWhere stories live. Discover now